Chapter 3

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Ah, there's no substitute for tragedy.

-Carolyn Kizer, Afternoon Happiness

"So, kid. Got a death wish?"

"No ma'am. I want to escape." K's voice sounded so small. He was embarrassed she could talk to him about his secret plans but worried she thought he was expendable.

"You know, kid, it's not that easy. If don't think I've tried-"

"Oh you've tried ma'am." Lani looked angered at the boy for interrupting her.

"And I didn't make it. Obviously. So why should be trust you?" The boy laughed but stayed away from Lani unforgiving eyes.

"Well, for starters." He pointed to a single drop of red liquid on the floor. Almost completely hidden by a rug then to brown-red shirt poking out from under her bed. She never was the tidiest. "You're stressed. And you've lost a... Brother. Yeah. Based on the thick bracelet you're wearing that is too small on you he was younger then you." Lani's eyebrows furrowed and she touched her bracelet. It moved up a little bit showing lines of pink puffy skin. Scars and recent. K was right. She had lost her brother. He got ahold of a gun and when the Predator found out they made a special example of him. "And if we were to remove the bracelet we would find-"

"Stop. Just stop kid. I get it. You're observant. Why should we trust you?"

"Because. If I can find out a lot about you just by looking at this cell for two minutes, think of what I found a lot about by looking at the Battles for three years. I know their moves before they know." I shrugged.

"I trust him." I said. Lani looked torn and K looked amused. "Alright K, lets go get some food." he nodded. Once we got out of Lani's cell he let out s big breath.
On our way to the luncheon I think about what we'll eat. I'll probably get some chicken liver and K will probably like goat-

"No," He said. "I can't eat goat. It makes my neck swell up." I nodded.

"Ok kid. Geese what are you a mind reader?" He opened his mouth and then slammed it shut.

"I'll find a table." Before I tell him I eat on the floor he scurries away.
A wet cold feeling goes down my back. I whip around to see a boy and two girls standing behind him. The boy has a milk carton-half empty- in one hand and a lunch tray in the other. He has his milk tipped back up from where he was pouring it down my back to keep it off the floor.

"Come on, Bird Brain. I'm doing you a favor seeing we all know you don't take showers." The girls behind him giggle. One has a black bob cut with silver strings hanging from it and the other has long hair silver hair with black strings in it. They're wearing the exact same thing only with inverted colors. The one with the bob cut has a silver jacket with a black crescent moon and the other a black jacket with a silver star. Besides that they're really not wearing anything but snug shortie shorts. Black and silver of course. "Bird brain I'd like you to meet Luna and Sirius." So that explained the moon and star. Luna stuck out her ringed black and silver nailed hand out for me to shake it.

"Pleasure to meet you." She said with a Russian accent. I nodded. "I see you've had the pleasure of meeting Brady already," She broke off our shake and went to Brady's shoulder wrapping her arms around his neck. "Isn't he handsome?" She stroked his face. That explained the lack of clothing. Brady was one of the richer families. He was only here because his parents sent him so he could take his anger out on the living. He got whatever he wanted; food, water, passes on Battles, leave if he wanted, and now obviously prostitutes.
I saw K in the crowd but I sent him away with the shaking of two fingers at my hip. I did it quick but Brady still noticed. He looked and found K sitting suspiciously at a table with an empty plate by him. He started to walk over but I grabbed his arm.

"This is not with him Brady. Leave the kid alone." He snorted. Sirius walked up and whispered in his ear. He smiled and looked interested. I do not want to know what they were talking about. He nodded slowly and grabbed both girls arms and waked away, shouting;

"Bird brain. Kid's as good as dead."

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