Chapter 2

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Doomed Art and Nature's various stores to see,
Flow in cups of joy--and not for thee.

-Anna Lætitia Barbauld,
To the Poor

"You almost got yourself killed." Lani brown hair covered her face but not her anger.

"Doesn't matter, he knows how to escape." She poked me in the stomach.

"No, he doesn't. He knows how to get us killed."

"He's freaking twelve and just lost his sister-"

"I rest my case. You're trusting a twelve year old with your life." I continued like she never spoke.

"-So give him a chance to prove himself."


"We'll last five days in the Oct. All of us will to gain money after the escape." She sat on her stone bed and put her head in her hands.

"You're stupid." Then she laughed. "I'm stupid. You're stupid. Bring the kid in- K you said. Let's see if he's stupid too."


"Wha-what are we doing?" K's voice was shaky with fear. He no longer looked like a kid who escaped, who took a gun to the face, who had said he'd rather stay then let me die for him. No, he looked like a twelve year old who lost his sister in this godforsaken place. Who had seen Predator kill his family and others. Who had seen stuff no one should see. He looked like me- on the inside. No one knew and no one would. Simple as that. No one talked and no one asked.

"The friend I told you about before, her name is Lani and she wants to meet you."


"To see if you're stupid enough to actually try to brake out or insane enough to actually do it." He ripped shoulder out from under my hand were it was resting.

"You told her?"

"Yes. And she's coming with." The kid turned and started to walk away. I ran up in front of him, knelt down, and grabbed him by the shoulders. "Listen to me K. She's coming with. We need her-"

"No. You need me." I felt a smile coming but forced it down.

"You're right. We do need you, but you need me, and I need my friend. We need her. Understand, kid?" He nodded and I stood up. His hand was at his waist gripped around his t-shirt. "Don't think about it, kid." He looked challenged as though a war between heaven and hell were going on inside his head. I whispered in his ear; "Don't use that on me. Don't get me wrong I have some pretty nice knives I'd like to use on not so nice bad guys but I'm a good guy. Save it for the villains that killed your sister." The kid nodded.

"Where is she? Your friend?" His hand loosened around the knife handle but he kept it there ready to pull out the knife and attack without a moments hesitation. I could grow to like this kid.

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