Spoof Topics: Minecraft

276 31 10

Note: Once again, Pheria chooses the topics.

Frogpaw: I bet you all are wondering why I've called you here.

Firestar: I'm wondering why you have called us here.

Frogpaw: Exactly!

Firestar: *Facefishes.*

Frogpaw: I found this cool new game! Minecraft!

Clan: *Gets Minecraft.*

Frogpaw: Join me!

Clan: *Joins Frogpaw's new survival server.*

Shaggyfur: *Types /gamemode 1.*

Frogpaw: Should we all live in a big tower?

Shaggyfur: *Places Command Block and hooks it up to a redstone loop.*

Clan: Sure!

Shaggyfur: *Types /tp @a ~ ~ ~0.1 in the Command Block.*

Frogpaw: If your name starts with A-P, start mining. Everyone else, get wood and set up camp.

Clan: K.

Shaggyfur: *Covers the redstone setup.*

Frogpaw: I'll be the resource manager.

Shaggyfur: *Types /summon Ghast.*

Frogpaw: We are at 3 stacks of logs and 9 stacks of cobble!

Cinderpelt: What is that!? *Sees ghast.* Kill it!

Ghast: *Dies.*

Shaggyfur: *Types /gamerule commandBlockOutput False. Starts the redstone loop.*

Frogpaw: What on earth is going on? I'm slowly teleporting away!

Clan: Us too!

Shaggyfur: Killing the ghast summoned a great wind. *Changes the 0.1 in the Command Block to 3.* The wind is getting stronger!

Clan: Nooooo! We are flying away!

Frogpaw: Wait a second... *Types /gamerule commandBlockOutput True.*

Chat: Teleported Frogpaw to 271 64 102.

Frogpaw: Shaggyfur! Why!?

Clan: *Pelts Shaggyfur with cookies.*

Shaggyfur: Noo!!! I'm being shot down! *Gets cookie in mouth.* Nommy!

Lilypetal: NUUUUU!!! My cookie collection! *Sobs.*

Note: You probably won't find this funny unless you know how Command Blocks work in Minecraft.

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