Poems About You

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I refuse to write poems about you
I write poems about things that are real.

Like the way my heart quickens
When I see you
And how my mind
Slips into darkness
When I don't.

Please don't be real.

Author's Note

One chapter left!

This week's dedication goes to _thelumineers_ because her last comment was exactly what I needed! Thank you so much for your kind words on the last chapter. I'm not sure you guys realize how much comments mean to me. Writing is a VERY lonely process and sometimes I think I'm not that good and then I hear your guys' feedback and it makes everything feel so real and worthwhile! It's hard to describe but THANK YOU! So much! There's only one chapter left so if you guys want this final dedication be sure to vote AND comment!

What are your guys' opinion on this book so far and with one final chapter, where do you see it ending? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

Also, just in case you've been living under a rock, my new poetry book, "Today I Passed Your House And Realized I Wasn't Over You' is out now! I'll be updating it tomorrow too so if you haven't already, go add it to your library and catch up right now!

Also, just in case you've been living under a rock, my new poetry book, "Today I Passed Your House And Realized I Wasn't Over You' is out now! I'll be updating it tomorrow too so if you haven't already, go add it to your library and catch up right...

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