Ying and Yang

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He opened the door for me and I stepped out thanking him politely

- You're welcome.. - he smiled - oh.. Christina Travis called and she says that we gotta be at the studio by 4pm.. it's the midnight scene tomorrow

I smiled - Okay.. You sure you brought your wallet Nicholas?

His hand gripped mine and he chuckled - Of course.. what kind of idiot would I be if I didn't bring it?!

I laughed - The kind of idiot you are..

- I'm not an idiot - he said biting his lip

I smiled up at him - Yes you are.. how much money do you wanna bet?? We're going to get to the restaurant and you'll say your wallet got at home

- No I won't ! In fact, I'll show you right now how I have it right here

He searched in his pockets as I opened the door to the restaurant smirking. From afar, I heard him mumble "shit"

- Told you.. - I laughed loudly

He walked behind me as I sat at the table. He sat in front of me and cleared his throat - Okay.. maybe I am an idiot

I laughed and grabbed his hands - At least you are my idiot - I winked

- I wasn't an idiot when I fell in love with though huh?

I giggled and he kissed my hand.. seconds later, a waitress took our order and the plates arrived

- So.. what are we going to do through the afternoon? - I asked taking a bite of my steak

- What do you wanna do?

- I don't know.. Maybe we could just walk through the city together.. or spend the rest of the day at home

He chuckled - wow.. something we do every day off

I laughed while he chuckled and we continued eating

I paid our meals and he searched through his pockets

- Want an ice cream? It's all I can afford right now..

I giggled - You want to give me an ice cream? Wow... badass we are Mr. Jonas

- Hey.. you want it or not?

I nodded and smiled feeling his hand catch mine

Life was too amazing right now.. We have been dating for long years and he still amazes me every single day.. some people say that something such as a soul mate doesn't exist but I think quite the contrary.. Nick and I balance each other perfectly.. Ying and Yang.. People say I bring out the best of him and that he's always smiling around me.. on the other hand, he keeps me sane helping me with my bipolar disorder and my insecurities..

Ying and Yang indeed..

My panic attacks have become minimal since I've been with him and I couldn't thank him enough.. he didn't know but he was constantly saving me.. each second, each hour..

He was my hero and definitely my reason to live

We walked looking around as people looked at us.. Our careers have been on fire and we had quite the name now.. the media has already calmed down, but when we started dating, we were in every single cover of every single magazine.. It was literally crazy!

I walked towards the balcony and he let go of my hand to take the money out. I asked for a caramel ice cream and he asked for a vanilla..

The woman gave us the ice creams and I thanked her

We sat outside by the fountain and started talking. He pushed my ice cream towards my face and I glared at him - Real mature

He started chuckling - Nothing like embarrassing you in public - he dramatically sighed

I chuckled and wiped it off with my napkin.

He looked up at me and smirked - You missed a spot you know?

- Where?

Leaning down, he kissed me softly making all the butterflies bug me on my belly.. I couldn't handle his kisses.. they were all so strong and passionate but at the same time soft..

- I love you baby..

I smiled - You know I love you too

He smiled sweetly and kissed me again.. he was the best.. he was my perfect piece..

Ying and Yang..


Hope you like this story... but I'm warning you...

Prepare yourself for emotional scenes!

{ ..this is a modern fairytale.. }

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