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Draco and I managed to get detention

it was apart too

Apparently, I'm answering fan mail with Lockhart. Draco is cleaning trophy's with Filch

I got the better deal

It's about six right now, I'm in Severus room just relaxing

My brother and Weasley walk in

"Where's your know-it-all muggle-born Granger" I question

"No mudblood today" Charles says

really Charles

"You did not say that" Severus pouts

"No, I would never" I tell him

he looks skeptical but turns back to my brother and Weasley sitting down

"Why are you here" agent orange asks me

I roll my eyes looking up from my parsel book "Why are you here"

"I left my book here" Charles says

I sit up and grab Sev's thigh "I'm always here"

he straightens up pretty fast

"Did you just-ohhh your growing up so fast. Lets see if they get it" Mason chuckles

"P-Potter y-your book is where you were sitting hurry up get it and get out" Sev instructs

Weasley looks at us with a confused face

Charles rolls his eyes "Ron, he probably wants to snog his boyfriend"

"Eww" agent orange responds

Charles grabs his book

when he leaves I cast a silent tripping curse on him

he looks pissed when he gets up "I'm going to write mom about everything you have done so far"

"Ohh, I'm so scared" I say as he goes out the door

"I thought your mom was in Azkaban" Mason inquires

"Adoptive mother Mason" I sigh

Severus turn to me "Did you say that word"

I keep my face straight until Mason says "He's got you, and you can't lie to him"

I huff "Bloody hell, you face. Yes, you know how I feel about muggle-borns. I would never say it around you. No one says it around you, Sev. I love you, I would never do anything to hurt you"

he glares at me turning away

I try to grab his hand and he pushes it away

I go to get up

"Where are you going" he asks

I raise an eyebrow "detention with Lockhart, let me know when your done being mad at me"

he glares hard and turns away

"I think you said the wrong thing" Mason tells me

I huff and walk out

When I knock on Lockhart I hear a faint "Come in"

walking in, Charles is there

"Why do I always have to be with you" Charles wines

I stare back "I want to know the same thing, but at least we aren't cleaning trophy's with Draco"

"Enough boys, both of you are popular in the wizarding world whether good or bad" Lockhart says

we start signing his pictures for his idiotic fans

The worst part of this detention is listening to Lockhart go on about himself

"Come let me kill you. Rip. Rip. Kill" I hear Rose hiss

"What?" Charles asks

I look over "Your surprised, girls are obssesed-"

"No, the voice" he cuts me off

"He can hear me" Mason hisses quietly

I purse my lips "Brother, do you need a mind healer?"

Lockhart looks a little freaked out

"That-That voice that said-didn't you hear it" Charles asks

I look at the clock "Professor Lockhart, I think maybe Charles is a little bit tired"

he looks at the clock "Good lord, yes, you two should go to bed"

we walk out the door when I drag him around the corner fast

"You heard the voice didn't you" Charles asks

I look down at the ground and then back up "There are things going on this year; it would do you well to keep your nose out of it"

I leave in a hurry

when I get to the common room I sit with Sirius and Blade

"Hello you two" I say

"Hello" they echo

when I sit down I pull out my potions assignment

"What are you working on? It looks like potions, but it's different than Blades" Sirius asks

"Well, Sirius, Hades is talented in everything he does. He takes fifth year potions" Blade explains

"It's weird how they talk about you like your everything" Mason comments

I smirk "I kind of like it, I feel like the king"

Mason just hisses incoherently

"Alright, you should go talk to Rose about what happened today" I snap

he slithers off me and in the whole of the entry way to the chamber

I look at Sirius "I'm writing six foot on Polyjuice potion"

"six feet!" Sirius exclaims "That's huge! How far are you?"

"five feet and ten inches" I tell looking over "I'm going to ask Sev to help me with the last couple inches tomorrow"

Blade chuckles "That's totally why you want to go see Severus"

Sirius laughs as Draco walks in

"I had detention with Weasel" Draco wines

"I had it with Charles" I inform

"Any news with the Gryffindorks" Blade asks

"My brother can hear parsel" I tell them

"Are we going to use that? Get him expelled?" Draco asks

"They're not going to expel the-boy-who-just-wouldn't-die" Blade scoffs

"Did Rose get let out today?" Sirius question

"Yes" I tell him

"It's really late, we are going to bed" Blade informs dragging Draco with him up the stairs

It's just Sirius and I in the common room

"Your not really that evil are you" Sirius asks

I look at him sizing him up "What gave you that conclusion"

he looks over "Your really good at keeping your true intentions hidden; almost to the point where I believed you. When you say something lude or 'Slytherin' like there's a flash of distain; it's only for a few seconds but it's there"

I look at the fire "Are you going to tell anyone"

he smiles "no, I see what your doing. I agree with you, I'm on your team. Good night Hades"

he goes to bed

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