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When the train has stopped we jump out

Seeing Hagrid we take Sirius over there

"Okay, Sirius. I won't be at your sorting but the other's will. I'm sure you'll make me proud" I tell him

once at the castle I go to Severus office

"come in" he drawls after I knock

I open the door "Hey Sevvy"

he slightly smiles as I take a seat by him

"My brother and his sidekick Ron drove a flying car here" I tell him

he looks over like I'm crazy

"I'm serious Sev" I state

"We will have Filch catch him, go tell Filch. Then come back.....I missed you" he tells me

"he wants you to CUM back, and he misses you" Mason laughs

"Shut up, Mason" I growl as we walk out the door

I find Filch pretty easily

"Mr. Filch, Professor Snape wants you to wait for Potter and Weasley. He wants you to take them to his office afterward" I tell him

"Alright" he says

when I go to sit at Sev's desk he grabs my hand

"DID HE JUST GRAB YOUR HAND" Mason yells in my air

this makes me blush

"Hades and Sev sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a baby carriage. That's not all, that's not all here comes the baby drinking alcohol" Mason sings to me

god this is embarrassing, I'm glad I'm the only one that can hear him

"Why are you so red? Are you sick?" Severus asks

I turn to him "Mason is making fun of me. He's my new snake"

moments later Charles and agent orange enter

Charles looks at me "Why are you so red?"

I huff "That is not what we're here for. We're here for Sev to yell at you. Go on then use that big scary voice"

he turns to me with a smile but looks at them with a scowl "So, the train wasn't good enough for the famous Charles Potter and his faithful side kick Weasley? Did you want to arrive with a bang, boys?"

"No sir, it was the barrier at king's cross it-"

"What did you do with the car?" Severus asks

you really shouldn't have said that Charles

they both look confused "Your brother told me; what did you think he was doing here?"

Charles goes to say something

"It's a rhetorical question Charles" I sigh

"I noticed, in my search of the park, that considerable damage seems to have been done to a whomping willow" Severus drawls

"The tree did more damage to us when we-" Ron blurts

"Most unfortunate, you are not in my house and the decision to expel you does not rest with me. I shall go and fetch the people who do have that Power. Hadrian will watch you" Severus tells them getting up with my hand

Charles and Weasley saw

"What's happening between you and Snape?" Charles asks

"Nothing" I snap

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