Winners and Losers

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Although Thomas Bulstrode did the best he could, the Hogwarts students knew that they weren't going to win the challenge, as they hadn't won enough duels.
The very last duel was between Uagadou and Durmstrang, and it was a crucial one. If Uagadou won, then they would win the whole challenge, giving them an extra point which would put them in joint first place with Hogwarts.
This is why all of the Hogwarts students, were praying that Durmstrang won the duel, and therefore the entire challenge, as they were much farther down the league table so were not a threat.
The Durmstrang student Markus stood in the centre of the circle, clutching his wand tightly in his hand, and staring down at Dulani, the Uagadou student.
Jenny would've normally bet money on Durmstrang to win, as they were always the best duelers, but Dulani had proven to be very skilled in the dueling arena. So even she wasn't sure who would win the fight.

"Now, I know that after duelling 5 times already the adrenaline in your bodies is very high. But I would like to remind you, that this is a friendly tournament, and dangerous spells will not be allowed. However, I cannot deny that whoever wins this duel, will win the challenge and take the last point on offer in this competition. So it is an important duel. Good luck to both champions, and may the best man and the best school win" announced Jenny.
The boys didn't take their eyes off each other as Jenny spoke, which didn't bother her as she knew that they were trying to psych each other out, rather than intentially being rude towards her.
She raised her arm into the air, and caused sparks to explode from her wand, signalling the start of the final duel.
Markus immediately began firing spells at Dulani, who blocked them with his wand, just as quickly.
Jenny watched them practically fly around the circle, being careful to stay away from thd edge. She didn't think that two students should be so skilled at duelling, as she knew that even with one-to-one training from her, Thomas was nowhere near as good as either of the boys in the ring.

At first the students on the outside had remained silent, but as the duel continued on, they began to shout and cheer for the champion that they wanted to win.
If Dulani was hurt that most of the room was cheering for the Durmstrang student, he didn't show it in his face, or let it slow him down.
It got to the point when even Jenny was struggling to see what spells were being fired, but since neither of the students became seriously injured, she allowed the fighting to continue.
Eventually though, the duel had to come to an end.
When Dulani failed to block one of Markus' spells he was sent flying across the room and out of the circle, causing golden flames to erupt around the edge of the circle, announcing that the last duel was over.

The room erupted into loud cheers, as the Durmstrang student raised both of his arms in the air in triumph.
Once Dulani had pushed himself up off the floor, Jenny made the boys shake hands, so that they didn't habour any negitive feelings towards each other.
When this was done, Jenny clapped Markus on the shoulder.
"And we have our winner!" Announced Jenny loudly, as the room continued to shout and applaud enthusiastically.
Although the Hogwarts students were cheering loudly, it was not really for Markus' victory, but because they knew that this meant they had won the tournament.

"Markus here has claimed the last point on offer for his school, meaning that Durmstrang now has 2 points. This means that Durmstrang and Beaxbatons are drawing on the leaderboard. After a 10 minute break the two schools will duel again, to decide who places 6th and who places 5th. Once that duel is complete, the students from Uagadou and Mahoutokoro will duel for 3rd and 2nd place, as they are both drawing with 4 points. When all the duels are complete, we will crown our winner school" explained Jenny.
The students began to disperse and talk amongst themselves, many of them walked over to where the school champions were stood and congratulated them for their hard work.

"We did it" Myra squealed excitedly.
"I mean technically we didn't win the challenge, but that didn't matter because neither of the schools close to us won either. So that means that we've won the tournament" replied Jenny, with a smile on her face.
"You must be over moon since you're the one who organised this whole thing"
"I am very glad that we won. Before our win 5 years ago, we hadn't won in 50 years, and now we've won 2 years in a row"
"If we win again next time, we're bound to get accused of cheating"
"Probably. But whatever happens, I am definately not organising this event again in 5 years time, it is far too draining. I'm going to sleep for a week once this is over"
"Well you deserve it after everything you've put into this tournament"

After moving away from Myra, Jenny made her way towards Harry.
"So, what did you think?" Asked Jenny.
"That was great. I'd love to have some of them on my team, if they ever decided to move to the UK" admitted Harry.
"Some of them were definately skilled enough to be Aurors, I agree"
"Especially the boys in that last duel"
"Yes, they really went for it as it was the last one in the challenge. However, I feel like the next 2 duels will be just as good, as they will decide 4 schools fates and places on the leaderboard"
"I'm just glad that Hogwarts wasn't drawing with anyone and that we don't have to worry about placing somewhere different. We've won the tournament, and nothing will change that"
"I know... Anyway I'd better go and make sure the Durmstrang and Beaxbatons champions are ready to duel again"
"Surely that Markus fellow will win though, since he just won the whole challenge"
"He probably will. But he might be rather tired after that last duel and make a mistake or 2, so we'll just have to wait and see".

Markus did win his duel against the female Beaxbatons student Alexandre. This put Beaxbatons in 6th place, and Durmstrang in 5th.
Everyone was very excited for the last duel of the evening between Dulani and the Mahoutokoro student Gorou.
The Hogwarts students were looking forward to it, as they didn't have to be worried while watching, because they knew that they had already won.
After losing to Markus, Dulani was desperate to do anything he could to make sure that he didn't lose again. There was a lot riding on this duel for both boys, as it would decide which school came 2nd and 3rd in the whole tournament.
Everything they had done for the past 4 weeks all came down to this moment, and this duel.

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