An Awkward Turn Of Events

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Jenny's walk to her house in Hogsmeade, was not a pleasant one. She was not looking forward to telling Harry about Martha Dursley.
But most of all, she was terrified of telling him, that his son had been placed in Slytherin.
When she arrived at the cottage, she found that Harry was not the only person waiting for her. Ginny, Ron, Hermione, Luna, Charlie, Teddy, and Sky were all sitting in the lounge. Which was a bit of a squeeze.
"Mum!" Said Sky, announcing Jenny's arrival, and getting up to meet her.
Jenny hugged her daughter, and sat down beside her husband Charlie. She looked at Harry's excited face, and felt her heart sink.
"You don't mind that we invited the others?" Quizzed Harry.
Jenny shook her head. "No, the more the merrier. I'm sorry the place is so small, it's really only meant for 3 people".
"It's fine. We won't be staying long"
"Who's got the kids?"
"Molly. Lily and Hugo wanted to come, but we thought it would be a bit late for them"
"I see".

"Well don't keep us waiting. How did the sorting go?" Questioned Ron.
"Err, fine. A few surprises though" replied Jenny, turning towards him, planning to leave Harry until last.
"Rose is in Gryffindor, with me" she continued.
Hermione and Ron hugged each other, grinning from ear to ear. Jenny then turned to Luna.
"Lysander is in Ravenclaw, like you. But his twin brother Lorcan is in Hufflepuff" she revealed.
"That's good. I think they will grow better if they are apart" commented Luna.
Harry rubbed his hands together excitedly.
"Come on Jen. You're killing me with all this tension" admitted Harry.
Jenny took a deep breath and sighed.
"Harry, I don't know how to tell you this, but Albus isn't in Gryffindor... he's in Slytherin, with Scorpius Malfoy".

The colour drained from Harry's face, and Ginny placed her hand over his.
"We both knew it was a possibility" she said quietly.
"There must be some mistake" exclaimed Ron.
"The Sorting Hat doesn't make mistakes" Jenny replied, looking at Harry, who seemed to have lost the ability to speak.
"I'm sorry Harry, I know it's not what you wanted to hear. But Slytherin doesn't have such a bad name anymore you know-" continued Jenny.
"I need some air" interupted Harry, as he stood up and left the room.
Jenny moved to go after him, but Ginny stopped her, shaking her head.
"Leave him... Albus is our son, I'll talk to Harry in a minute" she said.

"Any other surprises during the Sorting?" Hermione questioned.
"Yes. That is why I wanted to speak to Harry. His cousin Dudley has a witch daughter, and she's just been placed in Hufflepuff" answered Jenny.
"What!" Shouted Ron.
"Keep your voice down" snapped Jenny.
"Something wrong with Hufflepuff?" Quizzed Teddy angrily.
"Of course not Teddy, that's not what Ron is angry about. As I'm sure you are aware, the Dursley's weren't exactly kind to Harry, during his childhood, because Harry had magic" explained Jenny.
"He didn't marry a witch did he?" Asked Ron quietly.
"Not as far as I am aware. I don't think he would've wanted to bring a witch into the family, after everything that happened with Petunia and Lily" Jenny replied.

Ginny stood up, and made her way towards the door.
"I'll go calm him down, and tell him about the Dursley girl" she announced.
"Good luck" muttered Jenny.
"What's the girl's name?"
Ron looked at Hermione who nodded.
"We should be getting back, Jenny. We've got work tomorrow" revealed Hermione.
"O.K. Have a safe travel. See you soon" replied Jenny.
Ron and Hermione sayed the goodbyes, and Luna decided to leave as well. So they all apparated, once outside the house.

Charlie patted Jenny on the back.
"Are you O.K?" He asked.
"Yeah. I'll be fine. It was just a shock" she replied.
Charlie kissed her forehead, and she smiled.
"You've got a lot going on, and I don't want you stressing yourself out"
Sky looked at her parents, raising an eyebrow.
"What is mum doing that is so stressful?" She questioned.
Jenny hit Charlie playfully. "Now you've done it" she whispered.
"Nothing that concerns you" she continued, giving her daughter a stern look, but it didn't work.
Sky folded her arms, "Mum".
"Don't mum me. I'm not allowed to talk about it. End of story"
"So there is an it"
"I'm not saying anymore. I promised Minerva"
"Spoil sport"
"Shouldn't you be getting ready to leave, instead of interegating me?"
"We aren't leaving until the end of the week, mum".

"Did you see Victorie during the Welcome back feast?" Asked Teddy quietly.
"Honestly, Teddy, I had more important things on my mind after the Sorting. So no, I didn't see your girlfriend... She would have been at the back of the room anyway, as she's a 7th year" Jenny answered.
"I just thought I'd ask"
"I'm sure she can cope without you for a few months. I expect travelling will help keep your mind off her. Are you still coming back for Christmas?"
"That's the plan".

Jenny opened her mouth to reply, but Harry walked in, followed by Ginny.
"Sorry for reacting like that. That was wrong of me... If Albus asks, don't tell him what I did. Say I was fine with it" said Harry.
"I'm not sure he'll buy that, but I'll let him know" Jenny replied.
"Did the others go home?"
"Yeah, they apparated out the front"
"Right. We should probably do the same".
Jenny stood up and hugged Harry goodbye.
Harry then turned to Sky and Teddy, and shook their hands.
"Will I see you again before you leave?" He asked.
"Yes. We are not leaving until the end of the week. And we are having a leaving party here, the day before, to say goodbye to everyone" Sky answered.

"Can you get the time off work?" Harry asked Jenny.
"The party will be in the evening Harry, on a Saturday. I won't be teaching then" Jenny answered.
"Oh, right, yeah. Sorry, my heads a bit of a mess"
"It's fine. Go home and get some rest Harry, you look like you need it"
"You're welcome".
Once Harry and Ginny had gone, Jenny yawned loudly, and Charlie put his arm around her.
"Right, bed time for you I think" he said.
"Are you two staying the night?" Jenny asked Teddy and Sky.
"We don't have a spare room" replied Sky.
Jenny rolled her eyes. "You know very well that there's a pop up bed in the cupboard. I'm sure I can trust you two, to be mature, and sleep in the same room. Since you two aren't dating"
"Eww, mum. Teddy is like my brother"
"Well off you go then"
"Night mum"
"Good night Sky".

Jennifer Potter and the marauders (book 5) 19 Years LaterWhere stories live. Discover now