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As soon as I got home from school, my mother was waiting for me as expected.

"Minji, I got you some new study books" she said. "I want you to do at least 3 hours of studying tonight"

"No" I replied. "I have to meet someone."

"You're not leaving until you've studied for at least 3 hours. I don't care about your excuses." she said.

"But I have to leave soon or I'll be late. Also this is for a school project." I said, trying to persuade her.

Clearly it didn't work.

"School project or not, you need to study so you can get good grades" she said, starting to raise her voice.

"What exactly are you going to do about it?" I shouted back, quickly running away.

It didn't take me that long to reach the park, and when I got there Yoongi was already waiting.

"You're late." he said.

"I'm not late, it's only 3:55" I replied.

Yoongi sighed.

"Do you have a script yet?" he asked.

"No" I answered. "I haven't had time to write one since I came straight here"

"What are we supposed to do then if we don't have a script?" said Yoongi.

"We'll just have to film the intro scenes because I did bring a camera" I replied.

"Alright" he said.

I pulled out my camera and started to film the scenery around us.

I zoomed in to get a closer shot of the lake.

There were two swans swimming in the center of the lake, one was black and one was white.

They were complete opposites
Just like me and Yoongi.

After I thought I had enough footage, I stopped filming and passed the camera to Yoongi so he could look at it.

"Not bad" he said. "You're not actually that bad at filming things"

"Is that the best compliment you can think of?" I replied teasingly.

"It's the best you'll get from me" he said, handing the camera back.

And then I, being the clumsy person I am, dropped the camera.

We both bent down at the same time to pick it up and our hands touched accidentally.

I quickly picked the camera up and refused to make eye contact.

"What?" Yoongi asked. "Why won't you look at me"

"No reason" I replied.

"There must be some sort of reason" he said. "It's not like people turn to stone when they look at me"

Reluctantly, I looked back up.

"There, that wasn't so hard was it?" Yoongi said.

I didn't reply, instead turning around and running away from him.

"You idiot" he said. "Get back here."

Yoongi chased after me which made me run faster.

"You're never going to catch me!" I shouted to him.

"Hey, I will eventually!" he shouted back.

I ran a little further before tripping over a rock and falling down on the ground.
For some reason, I couldn't stop laughing.

Yoongi ran to where I had fallen and knelt down beside me.

"You idiot" he muttered. "You're so stupid"

He checked to see if there were any cuts or bruises on my arms and legs.

There were none, so he checked my head for possible injuries.

My hair had fallen over to one side when I had fell, so he brushed it aside and checked for injuries on the side that was now uncovered.

"You're lucky you're not hurt" said Yoongi. "Be more careful next time"

"Why do you care?" I replied.

"I don't, I just don't want to be held responsible if something happens to you" he said.

"Thanks" I said sarcastically.

Yoongi rolled his eyes at me, then pulled out his phone to check the time.

His eyes widened.

"I didn't realise the time, I have to go" he said.

"It's fine, don't worry" I replied, getting up from the floor.

We both walked our separate ways.

In those last few moments before Yoongi had to leave, he seemed like a completely different person.

Was the coldness all an act after all?

Eventually, I got home to see that my mother's car wasn't there.
She had probably just gone out to work again.

I walked inside and went straight to my room, taking off my shoes and lying down on my bed.

I had two pieces of homework due for tomorrow, but I didn't care.

I just lay there, letting my mind wander.
For some reason, all I found I could think of was Yoongi.

What were his parents like?
Did he have any pets?
What are his hobbies?
What does he like?
Who does he like?

I sighed.

Why was I thinking like this all of a sudden?

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