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I woke up to what sounded like the sound of bacon being fried.
The smell of food tempted me enough that I managed to drag myself out of bed.

I picked out an outfit for school, then walked downstairs to the kitchen to see what was for breakfast.

As I expected, I walked into the kitchen to see my mother putting bacon and toast onto a plate.

"Oh good morning Minji, did you sleep well?" she said.

It looks like my mother is in one of her good moods this morning.
I just hope that it will last all day.

I grabbed a plate and a fork then sat down at the table and started to eat.

Like usual, it tasted amazing.
My mother's cooking always tastes amazing.

After I finished eating, I quickly packed my bag with all the books I needed and said goodbye to my mother.

Then I walked outside and started walking to school.

The streets of Daegu were surprisingly busy despite the bitter cold.
Young people of about my age were rushing to arrive at school on time and adults made their way to their jobs, loudly sounding their car horns as they drove.

As I passed the park, I noticed that a black swan and a white swan were swimming together in the middle of the pond.

I find it amazing how two birds that are complete opposites can be so close to each other.

After a little while, I reached the familiar building of my school.

I walked inside, glad to finally feel some warmth after the bitter cold of outside.

My best friend Haeun was already waiting for me outside our classroom.

"Minji, you're late again" she said. "The teacher told me to stay out here and wait for you, you're probably going to get a detention"

"I'm late?" I replied, a little surprised.

Then I realised I must've been watching those swans for longer than I thought I had.

"Yes you're late you idiot, now come on!" said Haeun, dragging me inside the classroom.

I quickly sat down at my seat, avoiding eye contact with the teacher.
It looks like I've escaped a detention this time.

"As you probably all know" the teacher began. "This year will be your last year before graduation, and you know what that means"

One of the smart girls who had recently moved here from Japan, Yuri, raised her hand.

"The group projects?" she asked.

"It's nice to see someone has been paying attention" the teacher replied.
"But yes, you will be doing group projects and I will be putting you into groups"

Everyone in our class started to sigh and complain.

"If you could please be quiet" shouted the teacher. "I'll put you into groups now"

I crossed my fingers, hoping that I'd be partnered with Haeun.

"Haeun and Jiyeon"

I sighed, hoping the teacher would at least put me with one of my other friends.

"Mina and Yuki
Yeonju and Taemin"

When was this teacher going to tell me my group.

"Yuri and Miyeon"

She should tell me soon enough.

"Eun-Hae and Kai"

After the teacher announced the rest of the groups, I realised that there was only one person that I could be working with.

"And finally, Minji and Yoongi" said the teacher.

I sighed.
Why did I have to be partnered up with the one person in the class who doesn't care about their grades.

The teacher then wrote down two words on the whiteboard.

Dream and Hope.

"I want you to use these words as the theme or your project" the teacher told us.

"But how are we supposed to make projects out of two words?" asked Haeun, not bothering to raise her hand.

"That's up to you" The teacher replied. "These projects can be anything, a poem, a story or even a short film as long as they are themed around the words Dream and Hope"

"Oh okay" said Haeun, turning to talk to Jiyeon who was sitting behind her.

"Everyone, go and sit next to your partners. You can start discussing your projects during this lesson" said the teacher.

I reluctantly got up and walked towards the seat beside Yoongi's that was already empty.

As I sat down, I noticed that he kept giving me evil looks.

I'd honestly give anything and everything to be working with someone else....

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