Chapter 2

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**Shota's POV**

I put a blanket over Liz and then I walked towards my own to continue my work.

To say I was shocked would be an understatement but most I was angry, angry at myself the fact that I left them so they would be safe and they still got in danger all because I wasn't there to protect them. I sighed, typing on the computer.

**Elizabeth's POV**

I woke up to the sun shining through an opening in the blinds, I ground to the sudden light but stood up tiredly. I slowly walked towards the coffee machine and made my coffee, I hear a phone start to ring an after a minute it stopped and I could here small mumbulin from my father's room, his door then opens and he walked toward the kitchen and then he saw me.

"the police called we can go and get your stuff this afternoon" I nodded siping on my coffee.

"okay" I said walking towards my room with the cup, I took a shower and dressed up in another black dress but this one looked like an actually dress you would wear to a funeral, I perd it with long black gloves and a black sun hat with small pearls on it. I then put on blood red lipstick that made my blue eyes pop and then I walked back out to my father.

"i'm going for walk" he hummed while eating toast

The sun was high up when I started walking towards my house, I know that my dad wouldn't approve of going there but it wasn't a complete lie, I am walking. The streets began to be familiar the longer I walked until I was meet by the familiar house, there where only few people left only wrapping things up it seemed and then after 10 minutes they left leaving me to stare up at the house .

"did you hear what happened there" a girl said pointing at the house

"no?" the other girl said looking at my home

"apparently some women got stabbed and her daughter watch it happen without doing anything"the girls continued to walk and talk without noticing the emotionless girl in front of the house, I did just stand there! without doing anything!

I took the last stepps up taking the extra kay from underneath the carpet, The sound of a car's engine turning of and a car door opening an closing got me to turn around. My father stood there looking straight at me with troubled eyes but his expresune was still as emotionless as mine.

"on a walk you said" he walked up the stair toward me, I turned back around and opened the door

"i did walk here" I said with my usual monotone voice counselling how much I actually wanted to cry.

"oh well, nothing I can do now" he said, I could hear the sadness in his voice and I know he was smiling a sad smile.

The house smelled off cleaning products, I walked towards the kitchen staring at where my mother had laid. I then walked upstairs towards her room with my dad behind me.

The room was clean with white covers over hur twin sized bed,I walked towards it going on it and laying where she usually had laid, the cheats smelled just like her and I took in the smell letting tears leave my eyes. My father looked at the site of his doáughter, me, clenching the cheats and crying. He walked to the other side and layed where he usually had laid about 11 years ago.

" to say that she was perfect would be an understatement" he spoke upp looking up at the seeing and then back at me

"yeah she was beautiful in every way possible" I said remembering all the past memories I had with her. he smiled a genuine smile making me smile back at him.

We had called a moving truck after we were done and then we started putting in all the stuff with the help off some moving guys .

"SHIT! FUCKING BOX WONT FIT IN THE TRUCK" I walked out to see the blond move man, his hair looked like an explosion making his crimson eyes pop, I walked over to the guy and looked at the problem.

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