Chapter 1

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"Lizzy the food is ready" I hear my mom shout from the kitchen and walk down the stairs.

"I'm here" she smiled and pots the chicken on the table, after the dinner mom stands up and goes to the bathroom leaving me alone in the kitchen.

If it wasn't obvious already we live alone, me and my mom against the world and only death could separate us. My mothers the kindest and sweetest person i know, she took care off me alone because my father had to leave us because his job as a hero was to dangerous and he didn't want us to get killed. My mom is my best friend, she helped me through my anxiety that I had from my quirk. Immortality, people would jesus say that it was a cool and useful quirk the fact that I could walk around earth without anything happening to me, but the drawback with my quirk would also be that I can't die, my quirk feels more like a curse then something cool and useful. not being about to die cousin by non other than god, if he exist, to walk on this earth until the end of time itself.

"Lizzy can you put the dishes in to the dishwasher" I hear my mom say from the other room, I stand up to her command.

"Okay" I say taking the plates from the table and walking towards the dishwasher " so I was thinking trying out the in the U.A entrance exams" I said when I heard her footsteps coming back.

"yeah, I know you would want to go, I think you'll be a great her-" She got cut of by a clot of blood, I looked up with a plate in my hand but it soon fell and broke on the ground. What had caused my shock was the life that was sticking out from my mother's throat and the man with the twisted smile behind her. The man took out the long knife and started to walk towards me, I was shocked all the realization in my head kept me from moving, a tear left my eye. im alone! the only person I trusted is dead! why did this have to happen? my mom was the only thing that was important to me and now she's gone!

"w-who are you?" I stutterd looking into his eyes that showed nothing but blood-lust, the man stood in front of me

"your pretty, what a shame I have to kill you" he said and stabbed me in the chest "the names William Wain" he answered my question before taking out the knife and left me to fall.

What the man didn't know when he left was that I wasn't dead, neither would I die next time, I started to cry on the ground in the putel of my own blood. I didn't know how long it had been when I heard sirens outside, the police looked at the room in front of them. A dead women lying in the kitchens door frame and not so far from the body was a girl crying in a putel of her own blood.

Everything was blank after that, Liz could hear mumbling around her but she couldn't pick up what they were saying until she spasedbacl. She was sitting in an interesting room, the light above her flickers.

"Can you hear me" the policeman in front of me asked, gaining a nod in response

" we were called by a neighbor that said she saw a man with a knife exiting your house " I nodded making him continue "can you tell me what he looked like" I nodded

"He- he said his name was William Wain, he ha-had black hair with golden eyes and a small mustache over his lips" I said making the policeman nod

"Thank you for the information" He took a look at his papers "your father is here to pick you up" My mother used to tell me stories about my father, how he was a great man sawing people. The officer led me out to a man wearing black black pants,boots and a black shirt, the only thing not black in his outfit was his scarf that was gray. his hair was black and waive going over his shoulders, he looked tired and emotionless. just by his looks you could see he was my father but I looked more like a lifeless doll whail he just looked like he hadn't slept in 50 years.

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