Chapter 12: Time is Turning

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Gellert POV:

As the door was literally and figuratively slammed in my face, I stared blankly at it.

What the fuck just happened?

That question wasn't answered the next day, which I spent trying to get the kiss out of my head, as Albus wasn't at breakfast but also wasn't at dinner. By the next morning I felt like absolute shit.

Not only was it extremely painful to think about the kiss, which was much better than whatever mutant kiss I had with Mary was, but it was even more painful to remember the way he looked at me. With such hatred, as if everything in the world was my fault.

I tried to think about it but the questions circled in a pool of doubt and worry. Was it because I like men? No, it couldn't be that. He kissed me. Sure, I was flirting a little bit but it was Albus that leaned in and surprised me with it, not the other way. If anything I should be mad right now. But I wasn't.

Perhaps I'm really bad at kissing? It can't be that either, it lasted for a few seconds it's not like it was proper. What the hell did I do?

I kept going through the events again and again but I still couldn't figure out what I did wrong. All I knew is that straight after the kiss, Albus turned on me with anger and kicked me out of his room.

35 hours after the kiss, yes I was counting, I realised that staying in this room just pointlessly thinking about it wasn't going to get me anywhere so I decided to clear my head.

After telling auntie where I was going-putting on my best "I'm fine" face- I went out the door into the gloomy outside. It wasn't raining but it was just a blank grey nothingness, much like how I was feeling right now.

I began trudging around town, doing nothing in particular but wondering aimlessly and staring at the grubby tiles of the walkway. I knocked into a few people a couple of time without a care when they cursed at me because I was just too lost thinking about what happened two evenings ago.

At least that's what I thought I was doing, wondering aimlessly, but apparently my inner consciousness had other ideas as my face suddenly smacked into the glass door of "Victorian Vintage" causing me to grip it in pain. Before I saw where I was, the bell chimed when the door opened.

'Sir?' A voice said sweetly, 'Are you quite alright?'

I opened my eyes again to see Patsy, the worker girl, standing before me seeming rather concerned.

'Yes Thank you,' I nodded, ignoring the sting, 'May I come in?'

Patsy held the door open more, letting me in before walking back to her position behind the counter.

I slumped through the rows of clothes, running my fingers over the materials for entertainment as I looked around.

Pasty, noticing my lack of interest, spoke up, 'Did you need something repairing already?'

Her voice took me by surprise, 'No, no, the clothes are exquisite Thank you,' I assured her, 'I'm actually here to see Muriel,'

I hadn't planned on it but it appeared that's what my brain wanted.

'Of course sir,' Patsy said without question, 'I'll ask for her immediately,' and with that she began to tend to my needs.

As soon as she had gone I took a massive exhale of nervous breath that I'd been holding. I'm still so so confused. I just need to speak to someone.

Thankfully, Muriel appeared, her bright presence cheering me up even if only a little as soon as I saw her.

'Gellert!' She grinned, walking towards me with her arms wide, 'It's lovely to see you,'

What lies within?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora