Chapter 3: The Other Side

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Gellert POV:

I wasn't sure what to do as I focused on each sob that echoed over to me from his room. What was I to do? I hardly knew him but it was already very clear to me that he was in desperate need of help. I took a deep breath, not entirely set on what I was doing before I did it, knocking on the door and waiting to get some sort of response this time. But like before, there was nothing but the wails and cries that were so loud and distressed it made my heart pound with worry.

Even so, I tried again, louder this time which seemed to catch his attention because the crying stopped for a few moments. But as he probably thought he had been hearing things, it soon started up again as there was more sobbing and more wailing. I hadn't the faintest idea what about or how I could help at all. Although I was deeply concerned for him, it was getting late and it was about time I should be in my room or Tante will soon find me.

Albus' shouts got more and more quiet as I grew closer to my room to the point where they completely dissolved into nothing at all, as if he weren't even there. I clambered into bed, attempting at getting some sleep but knowing that, again, I wouldn't because of the unexplainable behaviour of the Dumbledore's. Why was Albus so fidgety? Why does Aberforth seem to be so distant with even him? Why is Albus crying his eyes out at the dead of night?


I was startled awake and with a thud, I hit the floor of my room which scared the life out of me. In my ears I could hear the end of what was the loudest shriek I've ever heard, it was filled with such pain and agony that it could only be compared with the smaller scale ones I heard a few hours ago.....Albus.

Fear coursed through me as I picked up my desk lantern and tiptoed into the corridor with it. I felt for sure it would've woken up the whole house but then it dawned upon me that I was the closest to the stairs and that all the other rooms were either down a floor or at the end of the corridor. I guess it was just me. But had it even happened at all?

Despite having just been woken up by the noise, I was wide awake as my determination to discover what was really going on drove me to the stairs. As quietly as I could, I went to the third floor to hear nothing but silence coming from the door of Albus' room. I got closer but there was still nothing to be heard. Maybe I really had imagined it? To make sure, I pressed my ear to the door where I could just make out a faint grunt on the other side.

I knocked on the door but there was no reply. Sighing, I knocked again but louder but, to no surprise, there was nothing. Unlike the last two times, this felt different, when I was here before I didn't feel the need to press onwards but right now...with that scream.....I need to know what's going on.

For a third time, I knocked on the door and whispered, 'Albus, are you alright in there?'

I pressed my ear firmly to the door to catch anything he may say but all I heard was louder spluttering.

My mind was telling me to go back down the stairs and get some sleep but my gut was making me stay put. I was, obviously, not going to get an answer from him but I knew there was no way I could sleep or even leave right now. I needed to stay.

'If you don't vant to talk.....that's fine. But I'm going to stay here ok? Just outside,' I told him, sitting down in front of the door and staring at it intently as though it may open. It's not like I couldn't open the door, it would be easy to unlock it but I'm not going to do that...he clearly doesn't want me to and I'm not about to invade his privacy.....though I guess it's a bit late for that.

It was weird for the first 20 minutes, just staring at the door whilst I wondered what he was screaming about. It was quiet except from the muffled coughs that could be heard every few moments. He wasn't coughing earlier. It was strange just waiting there, knowing nothing was to become of it, nothing to preoccupy my brain. That's when something came to mind.

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