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Two Notices:

Fist Notice:


As you may know, I am a gaë nerd that spends about 99% of my time on reading and researching instead of writing books.

That's because I feel like the plot must be at least somewhat historically accurate, and I have a whole cast of characters with a shit ton of history behind them.


I am bound to leave out a lot of 'blanks' in their backstories just because of how much content that would be.

If you feel like there's an even from this historical period that I must include  feel free to comment me an entire essay about it.

I will probably publish some drawings and ref sheets in this notices book just so you would know what my character designs look like, if some of you are curious to know that is.

Second Notice:

Unfriendly rivalry is on a short hiatus for now. Since the other book is much more complex and has an actual plot, which means that I'll need to spend much more time on writing it, I'm taking a small break from it to focus on the other.

That, and the fact that I'm currently having all of my lessons at home now so my teachers are giving me a shit ton of coursework to complete.
yAy ;-;)

New chapters are still coming soon, just a few days later than I've predicted them to come out.

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