the first

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"Why is it so farrrr" complained rei to her parents as she pouted, "is it even important to eat I mean I can starve-"

"Shut ur mouth muna Chelsea" he responded "we're almost there naman"

"Pa just call me by what u named me-"

"We'RE HERE NA" shouted her dad as they arrived at the considerably far pizza parlor

Rei looked at the parlor 'damn people be really craving pizza this much iT'S PACkED!'

they went inside and as she waited behind her parents

"We don't have much space here maamsir but if you are willing u can share a table with this family" the waitress suggested as she pointed at the family ,Rei looked at the direction she was pointing and whispered to herself "damn the dudes cute"

So she did what a normal teenage girl would do

Go to her parents and persuade them to sit with the family so she can interact with the cute guy that could possibly be her soulmate

And it worked

She made eye contact with the cute guy as her family made their way to the table and of course she made sure to sit next to him - I mean she ain't stoopid-

"Hi" the cute guy said as he smiled and Rei being the introvert she is and doesn't know how to respond to a normal 'hi' she asked

"Do u want to compare each others hand?"

"What?" The cute boy questioned

'Seriously rei you can't even interact like a normal human being, ani was right about you going out more I swear'

Rei shrugged her shoulders as she tried to play it off "I mean it would be embarrassing if your hands are smaller than me"

And with that they were comparing hands

"Mines are bigger" he exclaimed as he playfully smiled at her and she felt weird as in weird

And the next thing was more weird and confusing

The cute guy locked his hands with her

"What are you doing-" rei questioned

The adorable yet mischievous boy just smirked and kept their hands locked together and under the table and Rei has never felt more unholy than now
As they left the parlor she suddenly remembered she didn't get his number or EVEN HIS NAME and scolded her stupid self the inside 'HOW CAN U FORGET THAT REI'

'Chelsea what happened?"

She looked up at her parents to suddenly see them dissapear into a white cloud as the setting of the place changes into a school, she looked down and saw her hoodie turned into a blouse with a tie and her leggings into a skirt

'The hell what happened I know I'm not on drugs-'

She suddenly forgets about everything about the setting changing as she saw her two crackheaded friends ani and yen

She ran up to them to tell them the stupidity she just did

"GUys" rei shouted in desperation

"Yes Simp #1" yen responded as she looked up from ani's phone

"How can we help you our most holy friend" ani questioned

"I just did the most shocking yet stupidest thing ever" rei exclaimed

Rei explained everything to her two friends as they listened

"HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA yOU'RE SO DUMA REI I SWEAR" yen laughed as she clutched her stomach and fell on the ground laughing like she's high

"BHABAHABAHA man how could you forget to ask HIM THAT" ani laughed aswell as she pointed at rei

"Can you help me and not laugh at me and help me find him" rei complained as she rolled her eyes

Yen wiped her fake tears as she got up from the ground

"How can we even do that I mean you DON'T even know the guy's name-"

"IT'S HIM" Rei said in shock as she pointed at the cute dude talking with gavin in the hall

"I stand corrected" ani sighed "bro it must be fate then" yen exclaimed in excitement as she looked at Rei's direction "this is having very wattpad vibes right now" ani said in surprise
"you just pulled that out of my mouth ani" yen replied

"Now what" yen asked

"Now you ask his name" ani replied

"WHAT WHY ME??!??!" Yen shouted

"Cause you're the only one that can communicate properly and if I do it I might ask him to compare foots now" rei stated in matter of fact

"Fine but don't complain" yen said as she went up to them


"Damn I should have just went for you rei" ani said as she face palms

"You should have" rei agreed


"Me?" Gavin asked as he pointed at himself


"I swear they're so dumas" yen whispered under her breath as she went up to them

"Me?" The cute guy asked pointing at himself

"No it's the ghost next to you" yen replied as she rolled her eyes "YES YOU"

"Andrew laeddis"

"Andrew ladies?"

"No Andrew laeddis-"

"OK thANKS" yen smiled as she cutted him off

"GUYS I KNOW HIS NAMEE" Yen shouted in glee as she ran up to them

"You didn't need to shout it man" ani replied as she shaked her head

"Oh welp" yen shrugged and smiled goofily

"So what's his name?" Rei ask curiously

"Andrew ladies?"

"What?" Rei asked in confusion "Andrew lettuce?"

"Yen I think it's Andrew laeddis not ladies"ani said

"Oh yEa LAeDdIS" yen said as she smiled

"Andrew laeddis-"

Rei woke up from her sleep as she looked around the room and her bed filled with stuffed toys

" INANWNWJWNWJEJ gotta tell the simps about this shit-"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2020 ⏰

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