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Sanemi returned to the butterfly estate around midday, and with the combination of not being able to have his scheduled break and being awake since yesterday, he was in a rather sour mood. He had returned to Shinobu's office as soon as he returned and found the child he rescued gone.

"My girls are looking after (Y/n)." The moment he had barged in was the moment he had gotten his answer, of course Shinobu had to know what he was going to ask. "Which is her name, by the way. Since you never asked." He could practically feel the spite seething from the woman from the other side of the room, and despite himself he couldn't help but scoff.

"Alright, well (Y/n)'s family is all dead, so I think we have more important things to worry about." Across the room, a small glass vile shattered under the harsh grip of the butterfly hashria, a small 'sorry' following the action as she swept the shattered glass to the side and dipped her hand into a sink of fresh water. Sanemi raised a brow at the action, but made no comment. "there was one thing though," Sanemi continued, "I checked out the house while I was there, and there were swords mounted on the wall."

"And?" Shinbou pulled away from the water now stained with red, cleaning her hands with a hand towel before beginning to bandage her hands. Sanemi gave a huff, leaning on the wall.

"one of ours, dumbass. Nichirin." Sanemi growled, his chest rumbling, "she's from a family of demon slayers. lots of them as-well, generations." Shinobu gave a sigh, shaking her head.

"That.. that makes this quite complicated." she responded, before continuing; "you'll need to report that then." Shinobu pulls a smile onto her face, meanwhile Sanemi merely furrows his brow more. Finding himself more frustrated than usual due to the lack of sleep, food and overall eventfully stressful and past 24 hours. "moving on from that, I suppose it's lucky you brought the child here. I was intending on finding housing with an orphanage or normal family but if she's from a line of corps members then I may as well take her in."

"huh? no, I found the kid so she's my responsibility to deal with." Sanemi found himself disagreeing a little too quickly for his own liking, of which was only to the butterfly hashria's amusement as she gave a giggle. Sanemi couldn't help but find himself conflicted in the mist of the situation he found himself in. On one hand, he wasn't going to take the kid in himself. It's not like he had any special attachment to the kid, he met them barely two days ago now. But more importantly, he wasn't in any position to be able to properly take care of one, and he had decided for himself to give up on family a long time ago. His family was dead to him past, present and future. And that was that. But on the other hand, he didn't want to feel indebted to anyone for them cleaning up this mess he had accidentally gotten himself into, or really any mess for that matter. But he especially didn't want to feel indebted to Shinobu fucking Kocho, a woman who enjoying mocking her colleges and sharing their business to strike a nerve while putting on a innocent act through acting like her dead sister? Yeah, fuck that.

"Oh? I didn't think you were the type to get attached so quick, Shinazugawa?" Shinobu was quick to a tease, as always of course. "Are you planning on adopting her yourself? Ha, a bad idea if that's what your planning, being a hashira is too demanding of a job to have time to tend to a child." Although Shinobu's intent was mocking, there was truth to her words.

The only reason she herself was able to house children was due to kanao and Aoi being old enough to guide themselves now- although even they were still children themselves by technicality, they could look after themselves and self manage, for the most part, kanao still needed work in that department. "You've only got one day left of a break, I've got one more then you. It makes sense for you to actually get a day off to rest while I look after (Y/n), no?"

Although Sanemi wasn't exactly pleased at that, he knew that if he had to go and do another big job without rest, then it was likely his work wouldn't be his peak performance, something of which was only detrimental for his line of work. And so, with a huff and some reluctance, Sanemi agreed. "Fine, but don't go around gossiping about this shit, you hear me?" He gave a glare to the woman, who didn't seem affected by it in the slightest, giving a giggle she smiled all the same.

"Good then, we can sort out what happens after that later."


[Please note that this hasn't been proofread so there will most likely be grammar mistakes, sorry!]

I've had a lot of people asking if I'm alive, haha. Uh, but yeah, i am, this chapter took so long since i stopping writing for a while, then I decided that I wanted to move from Wattpad to another writing platform, AO3.

I will make some announcement posts on my account later today, but for now, I hope you enjoy this new chapter.

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