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"Pathetic." Spat the red-eyed male, glaring at the young man he held up by his neck, bloody and mangled bodies lain scattered around them. The young male coughed up blood violently, his breathing was constricted as the red-eyed scoffed, "To think a son of the Hoshi family would die so easily, you've all gone soft."

'Stop it. Stop. Stop. Stop. I don't like it, I don't like this at all.'

"Though it should be expected, since the rest of your family died all the same, barely put up a fight." The red-eyed male gave a laugh at the young male's pained expression.

'Go away. Stop hurting everyone. Go away bad man! Go! go! go!'

Tears streamed down the child's face as she silently sobbing, standing a couple feet away from where her elder brother was slowly being choked to death. The child couldn't find it in herself to run, to move or to really say anything, thus resulting in her shaking form watching from the side lines.

"(Y/n), you have to behave now, or a demon will come a take you from our home for being a naughty child."
"Now stop being wild and go to bed."

More tears welled in the child's eyes as she remembered what her mother would say, 'Is this bad man a demon? Has he come here to punish me? but why is he hurting everyone else then? Is it because i was bad?'

Choked noises of pain came from the young male as the red eyed man began to tighten his grip around his neck, he struggled to turn his head to the side, his eyes locking with those of the shaking child hiding as he shakily mouthed words.


• • •

The pitter patter of small feet colliding with the rough dirt path Accompanied by occasional whimpers was all that could be heard, the small child rubbed furiously at her eyes trying to dry her tears, she was tried, her body ached to lay down and rest, her stomach empty and her head throbbing, but she didn't dare stop, she didn't want to turn back, not even for a second.

Seeing a figure a couple feet ahead made the child's heart stop, 'What if they're like the bad man?' The child slowed their pace and peered at the figure donned in a black uniform and a white over coat, 'they look like..' the (h/c) child gasped, "Papa!" She whispered happily. Deciding to approach the figure, the child began to tiredly run towards them, 'I know their not Papa, but maybe Papa knows them!'

As she neared the figure, features became more prominent, white hair and scars littering the persons skin was what the small child noticed most, but it didn't bother her, most people she had met had plenty of scars, even her own family, she was familiarised with it. But even so, the only thing she was actively paying attention to was the katana strapped to the persons waist, 'exactly like Papa!' She mentally chirped, so, reaching a small hand out, she gingerly grabbed the persons arm in hopes to get their attention, in which she succeeded.

"What the.. fuck?"


[Please note that this hasn't been proofread so there will most likely be grammar mistakes, sorry!]

Can y'all guess who it is? Bet you can ;)

Anywho, hello, welcome, I am making a Kimetsu no yaiba fanfic and there's nothing you can do about it, I'm excited and I hope you are too!

This is only a prologue of course, so the next chapters will be posted soon! So keep an eye out! I hope y'all enjoy!

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