1 // The day of my sixteenth birthday

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My eyes spring open when I hear the sound of that damn song, so cheesy, so overplayed. Worst of all, the source of the noise is mixed with my dad's loud, ear piercing singing.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you."

I groan and roll over to face my wall, my dad's footsteps approaching quickly. I can pretty much hear his excitement at how fast he's climbing those stairs. He still baffles me at how idiotic and childish he is whenever it comes to these types of situation, can't he just hand me some cash and walk out?

"Dad...it's Monday, not today," I whine loudly, hoping he picks up the hint of desperation in my voice and decides to let me sleep in. My dad reaches the doorway, "No way Emlen, I've got your favourite, ice cream cake!"

How dare he bribe me with my favourite cake, damn he's good. Narrowing my eyes I let out a loud sigh, slowly lift my body up so that I'm resting against my bed head. My dad takes slow steps over to me with the irresistible cake in his hands that's going to melt if he doesn't hurry up.

"Dad, come on! I've got to get ready!" I whine, once again.

He places the cake onto my study table, pulling out two plates and cutlery from a small bag he has tucked under his arm. I smile, quickly getting out of bed I walk over to him. I smile when I remember he reasons for his need to make everything so happy and dramatic. He tries to not only be my father but he even tries to be like my mother, who passed away when I was eight. My family has lost so much, not only did my mother pass away, but two years ago my sister went missing. The saddest part is they never found her body, a small part of me thinks she ran away...

It was so hard to come home and find Phoebe missing, her room empty, almost all of her belongings gone. It's was like she wanted us to forget her. Both me and my dad were furious when the police gave up on searching for her. But we had to accept the truth, both mum and Phoebe... Were gone. Although my sister was a truly horrible person, I try to remember her for the good things. Which is hard to do since she pretty much ruined me for the rest of my life. I shake away the bad thoughts, not today.

"You thinking about them?" My dad snaps me out of my thoughts, I nod to his question and watch as he slowly cuts up the cake. Placing one candle right in the middle of the cake he lights it and throws me a small smile.

I squeeze my eyes shut and think of a wish

I wish...for something better, something exciting. I wish to be taken away...far away.

As he's about to hand me a plate he stops, "Don't think your skipping breakfast, you still have to eat real food," he warns as I lazily nod, rubbing my eyes and letting out a loud yawn I carefully take the plate into my hands and scoff it down quickly, which I immediately regret after as it gives me a major brain freeze.

"Alright, I'm expecting you down In fifteen," he packs up the cake and cutlery, I look away for a minute and when I look back he's wiping tears away from his eyes. Sadness takes over me, I walk over to him and bring him into a tight embrace. He places his hand over mine, "Okay, no time for tears," he sniffles whilst straightening his posture. I admire how he still caries himself so well and has a positive attitude, he acts like everything's okay and he only let's me see his tears, I'm the same. I don't think I've ever relied on someone as much as I rely on my dad...I used to with my mother.

Me and my dad comfort each other, he helps me with school, he brings me tissues & chocolate when I'm upset, he's such an amazing father. Although he is awesome, there is a downside. Since my sister did her whole disappearing act, my father is extremely strict about where I go, what time I return, who I go with and has to know every detail. I've kind of accepted it now thought, if I was dad I'd probably be super protective too.

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