Upcoming Story

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For all you The Player Game fans, I have a new story that I am very certain many of you will enjoy!  It will have longer chapters, more chapters overall, and overall even better quality writing.  

Here is the description.  Thank you for reading and I hope you will join me for this story in the coming year!

To read the story, either go to my profile and find it there, or click the external link on this chapter!

Eleri Walker has never met the infamous school’s bad boy, Zacharias Hunt.  That’s until she walks into the middle of a vicious fight between the devil himself and a rivalling family.  Finding herself in an uncompromising position, Eleri finds herself drawn unfathomably close to the misunderstood “uncaring rough boy” that her three brothers and father are so wary of.  But when it seems that Zacharias has a habit for pushing people away, her curiosity gets the better of her, as with every push he gives, she takes a prompt step closer.  After all, Eleri has always been a rebel at heart, and by joining him in his riotous ways, she hopes that reading his story will come on a side platter.  However, as with most of her plans, there’s one big flaw.  Not everyone’s life is laid out in black and white, and she of all people should know, that this time, everything is really just a case of how well the both of them can read between the lines


Love, Katie.

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