Chapter 18

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Dedicated to the fan of the upload!  Thank you for the supportive comment on the last chapter! ;)


Enjoy!  Brace yourself for some Aaron&Emily.

“That’s my sherbet!”

“No, it’s not.  This is my sherbet.”

“That is so my sherbet!  I had the bubblegum pink sherbet at the bottom, just like that!”  I shout, attempting to grab the half-empty sherbet tube that Aaron is holding out of reach, above his head.

“It’s mine!  I had bubblegum pink too,” he bickers, holding the sherbet higher.

I ignore the perturbed looks of the passerby’s, pouncing at my beloved candy.  The other tube is forgotten on the floor in our struggle for the other.  Somehow, I manage to get a slight grip on the end of the tube, but it’s enough.  I use both fists to grip onto the stick tightly, attempting to pull it out of Aaron’s grasp.  He’s having none of it, though, as he yanks on his end, sending me flying past him.  We struggle like that for a good thirty seconds, our tug of war making quite the scene in the town centre.

Give-it-back,” I growl between clenched teeth, all my effort channelled into winning back my candy.  However, a small non-athletic girl against a tall, completely athletic guy is a completely uneven match.  Aaron uses his large biceps as an advantage, wrenching the sherbet out of my grasp in one sharp jerk.

Fine,” he snarls.  “I’ll give it back.”

With that, he pulls the stopper out of the top of the tube, and before I can even flinch, tips the contents over my head.   I watch as a shower of pink and red sherbet colours my vision.  I glare at him, my teeth clenching together tightly as he watches, smirking as the sherbet cloud finally clears.

Without a second thought, I bend down, scooping the spare sherbet from the ground and unstopping it as I stand back upright.  “You-” His smirk only has the time to falter slightly as he watches my hand move upwards.  “Jerk,” I finish, narrowing my eyes icily.   A small spark of amusement flickers somewhere inside me as I watch the sherbet shower down on him, catching in his hair, and sticking to his uniform like colourful droplets of rain.

Then I remember that I must look exactly the same.

Aaron stands just as rigidly as me, his glare scorching my face, as mine is on his.  That is, until he bursts out laughing.  Tears stream down his cheeks as he points between me and him, then at the empty sherbet packets on the floor, until I can’t help but join in.  Our raucous fits of laughter ring across the area, earning us a few more disconcerted looks.

The hilarity of the situation hits me as I catch site of our reflection in the nearest shop window.  We look like a pair of aliens amongst perfectly normal human beings.  I grab hold of Aaron’s arm, twirling him around to look at the reflection.

“Dayuum,” He looks approvingly at the image, placing his hands on his hips as his laughter finally dies out.  “I must say, we’re totally working this look,” he muses, wiggling his hips and admiring his reflection like an immature teenage girl.

I snort at the ridiculousness of the move, but my eyes catch onto his butt swishing from side-to-side.  “Yeah,” I reply dreamily, forcing myself to tug my eyes away from the splendid view.  Feeling as though I should say something I find myself dumbly going, “Uh- yeah, I mean- yeah.”  I resist the urge to face palm as Aaron stops his camp movements to raise his eyebrows at my unintelligent muttering.  I force a smile onto my face, changing the subject quickly.  “What shall we do now?” I ask cheerily, looping my arm through his and pulling him away from the glass.

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