𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙮 𝙩𝙬𝙤

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real life

"I can't believe your own boyfriend cancelled on you." Timothée shook his head and eyed Stevie as the pair walked side by side down Melrose Avenue. They had decided to go to a bar called The Nice Guy for a few evening drinks before it turned into a club and the masses swarmed in. "What could possibly be more important than spending time with the Stefanie Rose Elgort?"

"Beats me." Stevie shrugged, sighing lightly. In reality, she had cancelled on Jacob. She had told him that she was meeting up with her castmates for drinks, which wasn't necessarily a lie, she just hadn't specified which castmates. He had just been so difficult lately; kicking up a fuss over the smallest things. It was becoming harder and harder for Stevie to ignore the rift that he had created since she had released her song. She motioned to a building to the left of them. "It's just here."

Timothée spun around and approached the bouncer, reaching into his pocket to hand over his ID. Stevie gave him a gentle nudge and cleared her throat, walking straight past the bouncer and smiling hello as she went. "They don't do ID in LA."

Timothée nodded and widened his eyes. "Right. I did wonder how you saw Kiernan out last night, but I didn't wanna question it."

Stevie grinned, walking over to her usual table and slipping into the wooden chair. Timothée settled across from her. "Did you see her today?"

"Yeah, actually. We went for coffee." He smirked. "I really don't get how you enjoy it here. It's just way too slow-paced. I feel like everyone does nothing all day and then stays out all night."

"Good Evening." The waitress approached the pair. "Can I get you any drinks?"

"Can I please have a vodka, lime and soda?" Stevie smiled politely.

"Certainly." She nodded, smiling back. "And for you, Sir?"

"Uhh..." Timothée widened his eyes. "Can I get two rum and cokes please?"

"Of course." She smiled again. "I'll be back with your drinks shortly.

"Thank you." The pair murmured in unison as the waitress retreated to the bar.

"Who said I enjoy it?" Stevie shrugged, absentmindedly playing with the napkin that sat before her on the table.

"Sorry, what?" Timothée shook his head, attempting to tell the girl that he had completely forgotten what they were talking about.

"Who said that I enjoy it here?" She clarified. "In LA."

Timothée furrowed his eyebrows. "I don't know. No one, I guess? I just assumed because you're here so often...."

"I'm only here so often because of Jacob." She chuckled, tucking a strand of her behind her ear. "I'm only ever here if I'm working or if he wants me to come and see him."

"Can he not just come to New York?" Timothée shrugged as if it was the simplest explanation.

"I'm sure he would if he liked New York." She shook her head. Jacob was extremely stubborn and if people didn't know him personally then they wouldn't understand it. "Getting him there for my birthday was like a monumental occasion. I don't think he'll come back anytime soon."

The waitress approached the table once again, dropping off the drinks for the pair. Timothée thanked her with a smile and then took a large gulp from his first drink, turning back to look at Stevie. "I still don't understand."

"What part?" She raised an eyebrow at him and took a sip of her drink.

"Why do you have to come to LA to see him?"

"Because he won't come to New York."

"So?!" Timothée held his hands out in agitation. "So why do you have to go to him all the time?! Why can't he come to you? Like compromise? It should be 50/50, not 90/10."

Stevie sighed deeply, defeated. "I just don't want to fight with him over something so mundane. I'm not crazy on LA but it's bearable and it makes sense in terms of work, so I'll just take it on the chin and come here. Saves us an argument."

"What do you really think he would do if you refused to come and visit him?" Timothée lowered his voice for a moment.

Stevie looked down at her lap, deep in thought. "I... I'd like to think that he would eventually come to me."

"Do you believe that he actually would?" Timothée's eyes locked with Stevie's and the pair held each others glance for a few fleeting moments.

Stevie blinked and looked to the side. "I shouldn't really be talking about this with you. It's kinda weird."

Timothée chuckled and rested back in his seat, smoothing his trousers out with the palms of his hands. "Tell me something I don't know."

Stevie grimaced. She'd completely forgotten that Lily had broken up with him. "I heard... about Lily. I'm sorry."

He shook his head. "Don't be. It's not your fault."

"I don't know." She narrowed her eyes at him. "By the sounds of it, it kinda is."

"It's not your fault that she doesn't feel comfortable with us being friends." He shrugged. "She shouldn't be able to dictate who I'm allowed to talk to and care about. That's really for me to decide."

"Uhh..." Stevie looked around, feeling slightly uncomfortable. "Well. She was your girlfriend. She kinda did have a right to feel uncomfortable if you were getting too close to someone. Especially your ex."

"You never told me who I could and couldn't talk to." A smug grin was plastered on his face.

"I never had a reason to." She fired back, her eyebrows knitting together in frustration.

"Exactly." He tilted his head at Stevie and finished off the last of his first drink.

She watched as he immediately picked up the other glass and made a start on his next. "What?"

"You never had a reason to get insecure." He smiled at her again. "Why?"

"I don't know." Stevie rolled her eyes. "Because... Because I was too busy with my own problems to care if you paid attention to other girls?"

"Because I didn't pay attention to any other girls." Timothée corrected her, taking another sip from his drink. "I wish I could say the same about my most recent relationship."

"Okay...." Stevie shook her head in confusion. And then the penny dropped. Her face softened. "Oh."

"Yeah." He nodded and a look of glum washed over his face. "Congratulations, I guess."

"You're being kind of an ass right now, Timothée." Stevie grimaced. The sole reason that she had cancelled on Jacob was because she wanted to have a night off from all the drama, yet here Timothée was getting brave after a single drink. Was he really that much of a lightweight?

"I'm just being honest. Isn't it funny how the tables have turned?" He pondered, leaving a confused expression on Stevie's face. "From that night in New York? When you cried in the bar? You thought you wouldn't be able to move on, but in reality, it's me who can't."

Stevie opened her mouth slightly and then shut it again. She was speechless. And kinda pissed off. "I'm way too sober to have this conversation right now."

"That's fine." He nodded. "I don't expect you to say anything back. I just wanted to let you know where my head is at."

She nodded and smiled, although now she was even more confused than she had been before.

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