The Plan

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'Severus, we need Potter safe.' Albus began saying, 'We all know Lord Voldemort is after him.'

'Wasnt that the plan the whole time.... To keep that Potter boy safe?' I questioned , cringing at the Dark Lord's name being mentioned.

'Yes, but we know he's in so much danger.. We need to "prepare" him for death.' Albus answered.

'Just like a pig for slaughter? For him to die "at the right time" ? Lily wants him safe. Safe from the Dark Lord. ' I retorted, feeling , once again , empty in my heart.

Albus Dumbledore looked at me, astonished. There was a puzzled yet curious look on his aged face, followed by a shrug.

'You need to kill me.' He said.

'What?' I retorted, confused.

'Lord Voldemort would want The Elder wand. He would ask Draco to do it...I need you to finish me off. ' Albus said.

In shock, I agreed to Albus's plans.

What have I gotten myself into?

'Lily... After all this time...?' Albus said out of the blue.

'Always' I replied casually, with a blank expression.

Oh my sweet sweet Lily. Im sorry I called you Mudblood. I love you. Always

This is suppose to be like in Snape's memories. It's what was going on. Anyways.... I hope you like it

My love, Severus SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now