Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Kakarot's a Super Saiyan!? Cooler sets his sights on Earth!

"Super Saiyan!?"

Bardock and Gine were surprised at what Kakarot had said. The last super Saiyan only appeared one hundred years ago!

"Yup!" Said Kakarot confidently, or as they called him, "Goku". "I could show it to you right now, though I'd prefer we move to somewhere else."

Leading the way, Goku lead his parents, Piccolo and Gohan towards one of the nearby deserts. Content, Goku was the first to land, followed by Piccolo, Gohan and finally Bardock and Gine.

"Alright, here goes!"

As Gohan and Piccolo stood calmly, His parents stood as Goku got into his stance. Charging up, energy started humming and an aura surrounded him as his hair lifted up. Then in a few moments, His hair bursted up, and he screamed as his form changed: His muscles, which seemed of top saiyan size, increased slightly, while his Aura changed from a clear blue to a gold look, making his clothes and body shine. The most immediate change, however, was his hair and eyes. His eyes showed a pure, iris-less teal, and his hair, spiked up, was a bright, shiny gold. Did all Super Saiyans look like this?!

"K-Kakarot..." His parents were awe-struck. Their son had achieved the legendary Super Saiyan form! Gine was on the Verge of happy tears while Bardock stood there, mouth agape.

"So, this is a Super Saiyan...How do you like it?" He said. As he relaxed, His face still seemed tense, but his aura faded, making his glow disappear, but his golden hair and teal eyes, along with his increased muscle.

"T-that's increadible!" Gine managed to say.

"I'm glad you like it."

"Kakarot, you beat Frieza AND became a Super Saiyan?! This...that's amazing!" Bardock managed to say.

"Well, there are more super saiyans..."

The two saiyans went bug eyed at this. More Super Saiyans?! This was unheard of back in Vegeta. Could this mean...

"Who're the others?" Bardock inquired, still processing the information

"Well there was this one guy who killed Frieza and his Father here." As he said this, Bardock and Gine unexpectantly rejoiced.

"The tyranny of Frieza is over!" Gine yelled.

As they continued rejoicing, they heard an *ahem* and turned back to their son.

"So," Said Goku as he depowered. His hair went back to it's normal, spiky black, along with his eyes going black aswell and his muscles growing smaller, "Would you like to join us?"

"Huh?" The two survivors were curious as to what their son meant.

"Would you like to live here on Earth?" He asked calmly. The saiyans looked at each other with troubled thoughts.

"What does this place have to offer?" Bardock demanded.

"Well, there's peace and a lot of other things. This place's all full of nice people, like my son," He said, pointing at the young saiyan, "Also Vegeta's here..."

"VEGETA?!" The two saiyans yelled. They knew Kakarot survived, but royal blood aswell.

"Wait, the Prince or the King?" Asked Gine. Goku suddenly screwed his face up confused

"Vegeta always calls himself prince..." said Goku, clearing up the confusion. The two saiyans sighed and weighed their options.

"Alright. As long as we can enjoy our stay here with you Kakarot, we'll join you here on Earth..." Said Gine

"Alrighty then! Oh, I forgot to introduce them, this' my son, Gohan!" He said, crouching down to pat the young saiyan's back

"Hi grandparents!" He said, bowing respectfully. Gine smiled while Bardock didn't know what to make of the boy's kindness. He seemed so much like Kakarot and Gine. But not like Raditz...

"Wait, Kakarot," said Bardock before Goku could introduce the namekian, "What happened to Raditz?"

Goku remained silent, "He threatened me and the planet when we first met, and me and Piccolo," He said pointing at the namekian, who merely shrugged, "Had to fight him. However, we both died in the fight..."

His parents perked up at the last part. "You...both died?" They asked in confusion.

"Yes. I had to hold down Raditz while Piccolo had to charge an attack. I was brought back to life, but Raditz was loyal to Frieza, so he's permeneantly stuck in hell right now..."

At the Very last part, Gine stood frozen, while Bardock looked at him seriously. After a while, Gine seemed to break down in her husband's arms as Goku, Gohan and Piccolo watched.

"Can you give us a minute?" Bardock asked, holding and comforting the currently sobbing Gine. The three merely nodded and headed towards a canyon a short ways away...

"Lord Cooler!"

The Changeling looked from his throne at the soldier infront of him. The Blue skinned, yellow haired alien had addressed him while two others, a green skinned black haired alien and a red lizard man, all in similar body suits and armor, kneeled before their leader

"Yes, what is it Salza?" The Changeling asked boredly. He wondered what bothered him now

"Your Brother, Lord Frieza, along with your Father, King Cold...are dead." Salza said solemnly. Cooler looked at his lap before standing up, causing his men to flinch.

"Stand men! Anyway, who killed them?"

"It was some Saiyan!" Said Neiz. "We have footage of what he looks like!"

"Great. Now we'll finally end those blasted monkeys, and I'll return glory to my family!" Cooler said triumphantly. He then walked to his ship, his men in tow

I'll show them how better I am...I might even need to use my other form to beat these monkeys...

After a few minutes of waiting, Goku saw Bardock carrying a still sad but less teary Gine. Standing up, Goku watched as they landed.

"Say Kakarot, how did you find us? And how did you arrive so fast?" Bardock asked out of the blue. Goku looked at them

"Those were techniques I learned. I found you through sensing your energies..."

"Without a scouter?" Bardock said, now interested.

"Yeah, powerful people here can sense energies. Even my son and Vegeta can sense energies. Anyway how I got to you guys so fast was a technique I learned while away from Earth called Instant transmission. If I place my hand to my forehead and focus on a specific energy of someone or thing, I can teleport to it quickly. It's quite handy for getting out of situations!" Said Goku. Bardock placed Gine down, who had recovered enough to walk.

"Do you think we can learn those, along with becoming a Super Saiyan?" Said Gine. Bardock noticed a change in her. Something that he rarely saw: her fighting spirit.

"Yep! I betchu can do it!" He said, nodding happily. "But it takes a while to learn."

The two saiyans nodded to their Son. "Anyway where shall we go?" started Bardock. Goku looked around before getting an idea.

"Hey Gohan, Piccolo, let's postpone training. We need to show my parents around Earth!"

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