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Today was an emotional one for me, I never thought that a day like this would come where she would ever come to find out who her real mother was, or that I was never her father by birth. I was all over the place in my head because it was for Gemma and Minx to know who they really were to one another but again I wasn't ready to lose the closeness I had with Minx.
It had been put on me to take care of her for Gemma and the club but now the future was not so steady for me and it was scary. .

As my daughter walked into the house I stood in the back of the house and watched her as everyone surrounded her with hugs and her kids crying on her made me angry and happy at the same time. She had over come so much pain and horror and now the healing starts.
"Tig can you come in here?" Gemma asked and I nodded putting my beer down on the table. The house was packed full of club members and old ladies, and the best family I could ever ask for.

Gemma grabbed my hand and we stood in front of the whole house, Clay patted my shoulder for reassurance that he was ok with this.

"Everyone can I get your attention please up here. Today we have gathered for the home coming of a beautiful person we have so long fought to protect! It's been a very long road but today I have something to tell all of you." Gemma spoke and everyone listened to the queen. I watched Minx hold her twins with Opies help and we made eye contact. God forgive me if she ever hated me after this.

"24 years ago..... while most of you were up North doing club business Tig and I were called for a tow truck run, on that run we were ambushed by Jacob Hale and his goonies.
I wont go into the details but they beat Tig to near death and made him watch as they each raped me in the woods over night." Gemma was starting to cry  so I held her close to me. "9 months later I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl." The whole room was buzzing and full of whispers as Minx stood up and stared at her mother and me. Tears streamed down her face as Opie held her hand.
"It was after JT had passed away and I was unable to take care of my daughter so I gave strict instructions to Tig to raise you Minx, I made him sign in his own damn blood a contract that he would never utter a word of this before I did or I would have killed him myself. I love you Minx baby and I'm so so sorry to have kept this from you." Gemma held out her arms and Minx dove right into them.
"Mom????" She cried and I let Gemma go but Minx grabbed me and pulled me into the hug.
"Daddy" she cried harder and I lost it, giving way to my tears I held both girls in my arms. There was no purer love than this in the world.
She still saw me as her father and that's all that matters to me.

"I knew it... I knew from a little kid that you were really my mom. Why? Why couldnt just tell me?" Minx balled
"There is so much more to this story baby. But for now let's just be happy I'll tell you the rest later ok" Gemma smiled at her daughter.

Minx pov

Mom? She really was my mom? So my gut had been right my entire life and she ...no they both kept it from me. What else were they hiding?
So wait that meant...Jax ....oh god he was my brother...my blood brother.
Jax joined us along with Clay and we all hugged tightly. 
"Minx I'm so sorry. I hope you dont hate me" my father said
"I could never hate any of you...I love all of you and Tig is and always will be my father. Clay will you be my step dad? As you are to Jax?" I asked
"Of course princess. Never thought of you any less." I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

After the party had died down and everyone had their chance to hold the twins I noticed that Juice, koz, Happy, Tara and Jax were sitting on the sectional couch in the living room I walked up to all of them and motioned Opie to join us.
"I wanted to thank all of you for everything you have done for me and my kids. I love all of you very much, so I was wondering if koz, juice, and Happy would be god parents to our four kids. I know its unconventional for three men to do this but Tara is their aunt and I needed non blood."
"Wait! You are ok with me being their aunt?" She asked shocked
"Tara I may not like you around my brother but you are still my friend.  Only female to have my back in high school and I thank you." I smiled at her and she got up to hug me.
"We would be honored to be a part of your life Minx." Happy got up and hugged me
My father came up to me to tell me he was gonna head out and it made me sad, I wasnt ready for him to walk away yet.
"Can you stay here while I go get mom? I think we need a family picture." I smiled and he nodded so off I went to find my mom, found her in a rocking chair with one of the twins.
"Mom? You ok? Dads about to leave and I wanted a picture of the 3 of us." I stood there and watched my mom and wondered if she did that with me when she came to see me.
"Were you ever like this with me? I know dad raised me but um you came over right?" I asked
"Of course I came over. We were never really apart much baby girl. Every chance I got I had you in my arms but your brother sure was a handful and Tiggy had to keep you with him alot. But dont you ever think I never loved you."
She stood up and placed the twin in the crib next to his brother then walked over to me.
"Minx did you doubt my love for you? Because if you did I'm so sorry baby girl."
"I dont think i ever doubted you loved me but it helps knowing my mother truly loved me." I told her with tears in my eyes and i hugged her so tight.
"I love you too sweetheart. Now did you say your father was leaving and wanted a picture of us?" She asked as i looked at her and smiled
"Yes come on we kept him waiting long enough"
I took moms hand and led her to where dad was waiting.
"Sorry Tiggy I was holding our grandbaby." She smiled and I gave my phone to Juice so he could snap the picture.  I did one with both then dad and I and then my mom and myself. I would get them printed and framed for them later.


It was after midnight when the last of the boys left the new house of ours and I was finally alone with Opie. He stood in the doorway of our bedroom, all the kids were asleep and I went to sit on the bed facing away from him to undress. I didnt realize he was there until i had my shirt and bra off of my body and i heard a slight manly growl from behind me.
I could feel his foot steps behind me so i didnt dare move until he touched me.
"Your..  your body..  did he do this? Was this all from him?" He asked as i closed my eyes and felt him lightly touch my every scar he could see on my upper parts. I tried holding in my tears, i had to do this without crying.
"Take off your pants" his order or demand towards me was in a loving voice he sounded concerned. I stayed put , not because I wanted to defy him but because I was scared of what he would see on me.
I laid on the bed slowly and took my pants off laying mostly naked on the bed.  "Are you sure you want to know the truth? I mean I'm pretty sure you saw most of it when you went to Denver."
"These...these scars do you remember all of them he gave you?" He asked and it was something I wasnt ready for to answer.

I closed my eyes and thought back to the very first scar I had ever gotten from Storm.

***flashback ****

I was laying on the couch from having the flu because Storm couldnt stand me moving around from the fever I had gotten. He had come down to the livingroom because he was horney and needed to release himself so he smacked me awake, startled I sat up and cried out at his slap of my face.
"I think you are faking it so you dont have to have sex with me, well too bad I need to fuck, and do it now. Get on your hands bitch" he grabbed my hair and pulled me up to put me in my place. I was extremely dizzy and I was unsteady as he plunged into me without any wetness and I sobbed, have you ever been forced fucked while on the flu? I dont recommend it happen.
After he came into me he pulled out so fast I wasnt ready and fell over hitting my head on the corner of the coffee table. I laid there unconscious for three days half naked until my flu went away and he dragged me to the back yard and sprayed me off with the hose.

*****end flashback*****
I laid there curled up on the bed and Opie covered me up and held me as I sobbed as hard as I could.

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