A simple walk

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For a whole week Japan and Germany watched over Italy; waking him up from nightmares, making sure he ate properly since they noticed he'd lost weight recently, and comforting him when he got paranoid or scared. They were currently searching for causes of his nightmares. They'd guessed it was PTSD from his time as a nation in war but what Italy had described of what he did manage to remember from his night terrors didn't fit right. Sure, it could be his mind making up a monster in place of soldiers, but they were all sue that was no the case. They decided to take a brake from searching and take a stroll through the city, maybe visit Switzerland, this was Italy's idea surprisingly and Japan agreed with this, Germany couldn't be the only one against it, so he went along to.

Being nations, they had a connection to the land, if they thought hard enough on a destination that was claimed land with a personification, they could travel there in a second, like fast travel in a video game.  In the second that japan was making the game analogy they were now in Switzerland; the personification of this land was currently with his sister, Liechtenstein, so he didn't know they were there.

"isn't is really pretty here?" Italy asked, looking out into the field with a twinkle in his eyes, and a soft smile. Germany nodded his head putting a hand over his eyes to block out the sun. Japan simply hummed in agreement, going behind the much larger Germany to shield him from the sun's rays. They found a forest and decided to explore, Italy began to wonder if this all would really help. He was unbelievably grateful to his friends for trying, he'd managed to not wake up screaming and paranoid all day every day, but the deeper they went into what should be the peaceful calming woods the more he got a sick feeling in his stomach. He started to get a headache he could feel behind his eyes and the feeling of being watched had returned. He needed his knife, his flag, anything. His breathing became ragged and painful, tears welling up in his eyes and he felt the thumping of his heart in his shaky legs.

He suddenly felt a pressure on his shoulder, he shook and jerked around panicked. He expected a monster, The Monster, but all he saw was the concerned, worried, almost scared faces of Germany and Japan. "F-Feliciano-kun it's ok we're here, you're safe, just breath. Ok? in now out, good, in and out, that's it."  Japan had said, he knew these signs as he's experienced it before too. He got in front of Germany since he knew the tall man wouldn't know what to do. "Just breath in and out 5 counts each, that's it, feel any better now?" in response the Italian shakily nodded, letting out an audible gulp as he tried to stop crying so he could breathe easier, he didn't even know why that happened. Germany asked if it was ok for him to touch him now, with permission he paced his hand on Italy's back and rubbed slow circles in his back.

Germany looked ahead and saw a big house, appearing lived in. "want to see if they have any water for you? We could rest before going back home." He motioned to the big house ahead, still looking at Italy with concern. 

Italy supposed that would be a good idea, but when he looked up after thanking Japan the feeling of fear and dread crept into his heart.

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