Date After A Dare's Fallout.

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Summary : After the kiss that Weiss gave Jaune under a tree on valentines day Weiss decided a role reversal was long overdue and as nervous as she was about it nothing would stop her from doing exactly what she was going to do because she was going to ask Jaune on an official date and she wouldn't be dissuaded from doing just that.

Jaune found it strange that a crush someone had had on him had blown over without him even knowing that such a crush existed in the first place but his partner had assured him after her confession that there were not any lingering feelings and that she'd support him all the way with his crush on someone they both know but his biggest surprise was at his door.


Weiss could feel the nervousness permeating her body as she felt as if she was physically shaking from inside since she wasn't shaking in a way that could be seen from looking at any person from outside it was that kind of shaking feeling that made your body feel week from inside usually accompanied by nervousness and or butterflies in your stomach.


Jaune's eyes widened considerably when he saw that it was Weiss standing at his door.


Jaune : Weiss are you looking for one of the others cause I could get them if you want.

Weiss : nah ah Jaune did you think being someone's valentine was a once off thing I am looking for you.

Jaune : I don't know what what happened on Valentines day has to do with you looking for me but whassup?

Weiss : Oh why I was nervous about this is a mystery but I came to ask you Jaune out on a date.

Jaune : Wait what Weiss but how I mean this is a surprise and I am kind of lost.

Weiss : Ugh don't look so surprised Jaune really I know I rejected you a lot but didn't that kiss say a lot?

Jaune : To be fair tho I kinda thought it was a dream I didn't believe that that had happened so yeah.

Weiss : Fair enough then but Jaune you haven't answered my question will you go on a date with me?

Jaune : Yes uhm Weiss mh I will go out on a date with you was there ever any doubt tho about my answer?

Weiss : Good because I wouldn't have taken no for an answer anyway now please come and get me at twelve.

Jaune wasn't ready for what came next as Weiss pulled him down to her height kissing him then walking off.


It was exactly at Twelve when Jaune knocked on Weiss' team's door and she came out knocking his breath away with how she looked there in a light blue strap top with a white mini skirt that went to just below her knees with a white clutch and light blue heels but he was even more shocked when she checked him out in his formal shirt,pants and black shoes.

Weiss : Jaune you can stop gawking now okay you look great as well and I mean it fully when I say that.

Jaune : Oh sorry Weiss guess I didn't expect to be up to your standards also your attire made me speechless.

Weiss : I understand Jaune come on then since I asked you on a date I'll lead take my arm.

She then held out her arm expectantly which then Jaune marveled at then he took hold of her arm with his and so since her clutch was clutched in her other side's arm she took his hand quickly into hers and locked their fingers tightly together before he could protest after which she pulled him closer then when he tensed up and then she slowly led the way.


They got to the cafè that Weiss had in mind for them and she led Jaune to a secluded area of the cafè so they sat down and waited for a waitress to arrive and to take their orders and as the waitress asks for their orders Weiss orders a Chicken filling Omelette and Jaune a Beef filling Omelette seeing as this specific cafè is famous for it's ommelettes.

Jaune : Nice mh Weiss er I didn't think I'd come across a cafè famous for it's ommeletes it is really nice looking.

Weiss : Oh relax Jaune don't feel so totally nervous this is a date remember please enjoy it.

Weiss reaches over grabbing Jaune's hand and lifted it up to her lips and kissed the back of his fingers lightly.

Jaune : Okay then Weiss thank you I just can't believe that I'm on a date here with you so I'm being bashful.

Weiss : Aww the blush on your face now when I kissed your fingers is so cute and this isn't the last time for it.

Their orders arrived after a few minutes then Weiss let go of Jaune's hand and they started eating then...

Weiss : Jaune look I have an idea let's have a taste of each other's Ommeletes that alright.

Jaune : With uh each er other's forks? I uhm Weiss but but isn't that going to end up end up being...

Jaune looked incredulously at Weiss kinda like she'd grown a second head a dark flush of red over his cheeks.

Weiss : An indirect kiss? I know hey do not worry okay we've kissed twice already.

Jaune : Weiss uhm okay it's just that it's such a public display of affection but er let's do that.

They both took a piece of their own Omelette with their forks and fed each other the small piece and Weiss giggled as they left.

Jaune : Weiss this is difficult to say and to ask but I love you will you be my uhm girlfriend.

Weiss : Yes definitely I love you too I'll be you girlfriend and there's only one way to make it official.

Weiss pulled Jaune's face down to hers and kissed him and after Jaune tensed up he kissed Weiss back.

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