chapter 11 Deals with the devils

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chapter 11 Deals with the devils






Adel's POV




after a minute or so of Zoe being in the house, and me being able to calm down and regain a little control of my nerves, I gather up the courage to get out of the car. once my feet hit the gravel my heart drops to my stomach, I slowly start walking towards the house the only sounds I can hear are the sound of crunching gravel, the wind blowing gently throw the trees and the sound of my heart pounding against my chest. my feet feel like they have lead weights attached to them, but somehow I am suddenly at the front door. I take a deep breath, clothing my eyes and biting my bottom lip. here goes nothing, I lift my head up, and put my shoulders back. I fling the door open and march straight in, but I stop and look around. I have to admit I'm shocked at what I find, the boys are all running around doing thing, but they're moving to fast for me to tell what there doing, but Zoe walks quickly towards me, "Zoe what's going on?" I ask gesturing at the speeding boys.

"what? that? oh you know..... I'm so sorry." she says giving a apologetic smile, and walks hastily past me and towards the door.

"sorry!? what's going on! what did you do!?? Zoe!" I yell turning around to face Zoe, but she was already at the door walking out.

"sorry to drop and run but I really got to go, see you later. by!" she says in a super rushed sentence before she shut the door behind her, then a few seconds later I heard an engine start, and the sound of squealing tires. oh great now I'm stuck with the the little devils. ok I need some answers.

"Liam!" I yell and with in a second Liam was standing in front of me.

"Adel, sweetie I know you're confused but I can't explain right now."he says running his hands down my arms and kisses my forehead.

"but-" I try saying but he's already gone, how wonderful! please note my sarcasm. "Niall!" I call and he flashes in front of me holding a stick, and glancing around as if he was expecting someone to be attacking me. once he realizes that I'm perfectly fine he drops the stick and walks over to me wrapping his arms around my waist and I place my hands on his chest trying to push him away, but like most anything I try it fails.

"Adel, what's going on? why'd you call me?" he ask kissing my cheek.

"well that's what I'm trying to find out!why are guys running around like maniacs!! what's going on!?!" he sighs and I cross my arms waiting for his answer.

"uhaaaaa, well, you know..." he stumbles

"Niall!! get your butt up here!!" Harry yells from up stairs. Nialls face flashes relief then he masks.

"sorry, I, I got to go." he says before disappearing.

"ugh!! I give up!!!" I yell marching over to the couch and turn on the TV. after a few minutes of me channel surfing the couch dips down next to me on both sides. I look to my left and right to see Harry and Zayn sitting on either side of me.

"well what are we watching." Liam asks from above me. I glance up and then back at the TV, and what I see makes my jaw drop. it was me, a picture of me when I visited the boys work. then next to that picture was one someone must have took when we were playing in the ball pit. how did they??? what?!

"who is this? well that's the question going throw very directioners head right now, because recently these pictures and others like them were leaked to the public. now we all recognize the five boys as One Direction, but no one know who the girl with them is. people have been trying to get One Directions management to talk, but so far they've kept quite. people have also been flooding the boys Twitters with questions such as.'who's the mystery girl?' and 'I don't care who she is, just as long as she stays away from my boys.' the boys have yet to respond to any of these things, this girl is so popular there's a hash tag on her called #whoismysterygirl. there are many theories about who she is, some say she's a secret family member, others say she's a lucky fan, and some have even jumped to the conclusion of her being a hooker." the TV turns black. I look over and see Zayn had the remote and had shut the TV off, his eyes are pitch black. "HOW DEAR THEY CALL YOU A HOOKER!!!!" he screams.

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