Chapter 14:The Escape

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I follow Eun's orders and walk to my room yawning atleast 2 times to get the attention of 4 girls walking by.When I get into my room I change into my escape clothes then I hear a knock on my door..

"Rarity! Its um..Belladonna." great,one of the girls who may want to potentially kill me is outside my door."Um..don't come in..I'" what the heck Rarity? theres silence then finally my door starts to open I jump into my bed and pull the covers up so she won't see my clothes.She looks at me then around my room "Um..thank you for standing up for me today." she says awkwardly I nod."Someone had to.."

She sighs "She had her reasons.." whatever that means.

"Well...I was kind of busy shaving my legs."

She arches an eyebrow at me "I thought you were trimming your ear hairs.."

She studies me with the covers rapped around me before swiftly pulling them off.Holy crap..she knows i'm a rebel now.Instead of getting a scream or a punch in the face I get a grin "I want in."

My mouth opens to speak but nothing comes out but a choked 'O-okay." Seriously Rarity? she could be the blackmailer!!

She turns around to face my door "Ill just go change then."

I shake my head "Um..we need to leave like now."

Biting her lip she nods "Fine." I pull the map given to me by Eun out of my pocket and study the directions."Do you know where the passage is?" I ask.She nods grinning mischeviously "One of my first nights here some of the girls snuck out that way and went skinny dipping in the duck pond..they all got strikes." so much for always being perfect,Melinda.


As we walk through the underground tunnels we suddenly hear a shout "WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY'RE NOT HERE?" headmistresses voice..and close.'Run.' I mouth to Belladonna,and we do.Fast.

When we get outside I notice at the mansion windows some of the bedroom lights are now on and there are shadows in the translucent curtains.As if on que,the helicopter comes down and I quickly get on with Belladonna.

Eun is there to greet us when we get on.She looks Belladonna up and down

"Who are you?"

"I'm Belladonna..who are you?"

"I'm Eun?"


I snap and point to the house to end their bickering.Eun shrugs "Wait..I thought Ty said no one else."

"Ty did say that." I turn around to see Ty smiling at me while glaring at Belladonna.I sigh in defeat and turn to Belladonna.

"Do you want to kill me?"

She smiles "Not at the moment,No."

My eyes widen and I gesture to her with open arms "See! not everyone hates me."

He grins "Just headmistress,Layla,potentially Chloe." he counts them on his fingers now I shove him."Shut up." he swats at me and I laugh."Stop flirting and just kiss already." mutters Eun taking a seat on one of the small chairs I'm about to protest and say how absurd that is when Ty does kiss me..

I pull away after 12 seconds "Um-" my speech is interupted by Eun's voice."Viana says its safe to land when we're ready."

"Who's Viana?" I ask.Ty smiles "She's the leader of the 'Resistance' a.k.a a giant army of rebels."

Where were we going?....I don't even bother asking...because now it's 5 a.m,the sun is rising and life goes on.






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