Chapter 6:Cold

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"YOU WHAT!?" shouts Chloe once we're in the living room of the mansion.I put my hand over her mouth and shove her into a closet with me."She said there were these things called strikes?" I ask.

Chloe nods "Yeah,you get five...I only have 3 now.." her jaw tightens and her whole body stiffens as she says this.Her nervous tone then returns "You ticked off the headmistress?" she asks.I make an 'Eh' gesture with my hands."It was mutal,trust me." I murmur.Chloe then looks away from me and at the closet floor.

"What?" I ask.She sighs "The only reason the Headmistress is so bitter is because of the way she became headmistress." 

I chew on the inside of my cheek."And?"

"Well...lets just say her father had a strong dislike for her and her mother was mentally ill.The day she turned 15 her father tied her up to a chair and left her out in the snow to die."

I stifle a wonder she's so cold...crap did I just make a pun?

Chloe fiddles with her purple dress as she continues."Apparently,some nurse found her on the way to her work and saved her...she was very pretty,so they made her a Damsel..and when she turned 18 they made her headmistress...I heard a rumour that she had her father beheaded the day she got power."

My eyes widen.And I thought strikes were bad."Thats pretty sucky..and my family sold me."

Chloe nods "Yeah...mines a bit more complicated..."

I'm about to urge her to continue when the closet door flings open and there stands Layla with her hands on her hips and a scowl,she holds up a piece of paper and her voice booms."WHO DID THIS!"



Well,now we know why Headmistress is so...cold.

And Layla is pretty ticked off by a piece of paper.

In the next chapter i'll be introducing a new character...and he's been requested alot O_O

Peace,Punch,Captain Crunch.



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