Introduction to this piece (SORRY)

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Greetings, reader! WELCOME TO MY IMMORTAL: THE DLC! This story is a continuation of Enoby's fun and exciting goffik adventures, originally written with the years 2006 - 2007 by two young people named Tara and Raven just wanted to mock the teen culture of that time featuring your favorite HP characters and many more! And in my opinion, it's actually much better than the Harry Potter series itself and JKR too. Although it may seem unfinished, there have been some people who have attempted to make a sequel for this thing (including yours truly)! BTW, did you know I originally wrote the first two parts two years ago? That's OK, but there's still more than just that. Expect more wrist-slitting, highly detailed descriptions of clothing, bi suitors, edgy wizarding teens who go shopping at HOT TOPIC, grammar and spelling that'll knock a strict schoolmarm silly and MORE!!!!!111111

If you want to see the first three parts of this work, go to the external link down below where you'll see my tumblr blog, and search up for My Immortal. You'll find them here. And as for this baby, we'll be loading her up with exclusive chapters for you to enjoy here in Wattpad. Have fun reading, if you dare!


somewhere in planet earth, 2020

PS If you want to read the sequel, please read the original My Immortal first. If you've read this thing (as in My Immortal), good job babe!

My Immortal: The DLC (sequel/continuation to My Immortal)Where stories live. Discover now