Chapter 1: Donny's News

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AN: omg i can't belive u prepz just fucing glamed at me!!!111 fuuuuuuuu!!111 fuuuu!!11 fuuuuuu!!!111 if u all keep on doin it ill drain da blod outa ya!!112 btw raven is in jap 4 her forin exchanfe progream so shes now away 4 a mons thats y im in chrage of da story 4 now.


I woke up in a stane room. All of a sudden dobby showd up and said "good mourning!!!" (AN: life is like a funereal 4 us goffs!) I gasped.
"OMFG dubby wtf did yo show up? and wer da fuk am i??" I asked
"U r in st mungos ebojy." he replied.
"Oh u r fucking kidding me." I grumpled.
"No enoby." dobby shook his head. "I am nut even kidding."
"So...." i asked. "Y am I even her?"
"Look ebony." he esplained."wen u were badly injjored dobby n ur friends took u 2 da hospital. If we didn't tak u to the uopistal I'd be...."
"Def!" I contined.
"Yes. Dead as fuk."
"Ok. BTW is boldemurt dead?" I asked. Dobby shok his head. "Oh ok. I saves da wizarding world and dat mens im a hero" I smiled.
Anywy dabby has sum bad news." Dooby announced saldy. "Da death feelers gut themself a new drak lord but i wnot tell u hu it is."

I was so fucking angy so I had an tanturm. "Dibby you bastid!!!111" i screamed. "DIS IS NOT EVEN HAPPENINF U POSER SON OF A HORE!!1" I cried tears of bllood fell everywhere.
"Wbony dont cry!" he said. "Have a hanke."
"I dont care!!11 if its tru ill silt my wrists!1" i roars.
"Well u see ebomy (AN: geddit like sodomy haha) what bobby was saying was actually rue. And u must accept it. I know everything. Now wipe ur tearz honey. Itll b over" Dobby said.
"Fangz dobby." I sniffed.
"BTW if u need any asidstance heres my fone numbr." Doppy told me. (AN: dats nut dopy frum dat preppy movie snow wite ok its DOBBY u fagz!!11)

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