he did what

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{Me and shanti decide to go to the mall you know to buy more clothes eat all that good stuff so we stoped at game stop to get roc his game he pre ordered}

Me: yea im here to pick up a game i pre ordered

Lady: um name

Me: trey young

lady: ok (checks computer) here it is let me just go get it for you (walks to the back)

Shanti: mommy look (points at a 3DS)

Me: you want it don't you

Shanti: yes please

lady: ok here (Hands me the game)

Me: thanks and also clean can i get one of these (points to 3DS)

★walking on the sidewalk★

Me; all these bags

Shanti: i know

Me: lets take a break(sits at a table)

Shanti: ok (sits down)

Me: so you having a good time

Shanti: yea

Waiter: what can i get you

me: i want a strawberry banana smoothie

shanti: i want the same please

Waiter: ok ill be right back

{I swear i feel eyes on me but i ant gon say nothing because i dont wanna scare shanti}

Waiter: ok heres your drinks and that will be $5.49

Me: here (hands $20) keep the change

{We get up and start walking to wet seal as we were about to get to the door i saw rayquan with a man older,bigger, and he looked high i told shanti to stamd by the corner and dont talk she stayes there and was silent while i listened in}

Ray: she scared of me (laughs)

??: (laughs) thats how a nigga got to have it to get a girl

me: (mutters) that bitch

{Maybe that was too loud because their attention turned to me}

Ray: (smirks) you hear it didnt you

Me: no i didn't only heard that part

Ray: well how am i to be sure

me: well ima just go (he pushes me to the wall)

Ray: no...... see if i let you go you may tell roc or already know my plan then be ahead of me.....and (whispers in my ear) we cant have that can we so its die or come with me (his partner pulls out a gun)

Shanti:(about to scream but i shook my head no good they haven't saw her yet)

Me: rayquan your a nut move (pushes his hand)

Ray: aight so you pick die (smacks his lips and laughs) aight marcus shoot her

{The man was about to pull the trigger until i punched him and kicked the gun out his hand then grabbed shanti and we ran as rayquan and the man was running after us we ran through peopla and finally to the parking lot i found the car and we got in but when we got in the cords to start the car was pulled a lose good thing roc went to a camp for this kinda stuff in 8th grade and he taught me but anyway i attached the green to the blue the red to the black and wrapped them together and it started just in time i pulled out of the parking loot speeding as rayquan stands behind lookin pissed}

★at home★

{I drove as fast as i could to get home where me and shanti ran in the house}

Roc: whoa slow down what up

me: (trying to catch breath) whats up?? More like whats down my ass was about to be killed

Roc: what are you talking about

Me: i'm talking about rayquan trying to kill me

Roc: {yells}HE TRIED TO WHAT


Oops shoulda told ya to get more popcorn well sorry but ima lets yall try to guess what happens next

A changed life {Chresanto August story} ⚠️UNDER CONSTRUCTION⚠️Where stories live. Discover now