Love birds??

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Roc: can I get another chance please

Me: no I mean idk

Roc gets mad: daja please I LOVE YOU I MEAN IT YOUR MY PASS WORD

MY HEART why you don't understand I love you [he got on one knee

And he held my hand] daja i love you I really do and your being stubborn please tell me

If you love me if not ok but I will still love you but just dont carry me not telling

Me how you feel or do you love me so do you??

Me: I I I will tell you in 20 mins just let me get my head straight

I run upstairs and grab some clothes

Roc: I I'm sorry but where are you going

Me: some where I'll be back in 20


When daja grabbed clothes I knew where she was going

The dance studio so I followed her once she got there she changed and

And turned on usher- climax it was a hip hop dance but she did it as hip hop but wa so graceful and rough

At the same time I wonder if she sees me in the mirror so I walked up to her as she was dancing

Daja: roc what re you doing here how you know I was here

Me: I know you that's why I followed you

We went back to the house I took a shower and put on my pjs even thought its just 5 pm

Roc: can I get an answer

Now I st i arted to cry

Me: roc ok I love you but-

Roc: o man there go the but

Me: but I don't wanna get hurt again

Roc: im not gonna hurt you I'd hurt my self before I Hurt you again

Me: idk I'll think about it

Roc: ok atleast you said you'll think about it so you hungry

Me: roc the same I said before I don't wanna get posi-

Roc: I'm not gonna poison you why don't you just trust me

Me: idk I guess

My phone rings


I answer it


Prod: hey wyd , are you ok, what he do, why am I talking so much lol

Me: I'm fine he didn't do anything and I'm not doing nothing

Prod: is he there

Me: yea he took me to the beach

Prod: awwww


AND I SAID THAT'S MY MAN [whispers into the phone] I ES lying my ass off roc wasn't my man [normal voice] but he is acting sweet and all and guess what

Prod: damn girl do yo mouth hurt loo but what

Me: ok he told me to get his phone cause it Rung it was a txt so

I had to unlock it but I put his name in three times but it didn't work so it gave me a hint it said the only one I love I put in nicki Minaj 2 times but it didn't work so I put my name and it opened

A changed life {Chresanto August story} ⚠️UNDER CONSTRUCTION⚠️Where stories live. Discover now