Chapter Eleven: Don't Be Late For Secrets

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I sigh in frustration, turning away from the woman in the painting. It doesn't matter. I'll find stuff about her later.

I find myself making my way towards Sayori, who when senses me coming, looks up at me with large blue eyes and flashes a smile.

"Hey Monika! What's up?" She asked.

I sit down next to her. "I have so many questions.."

Sayori giggles. "Me too. I wonder if Mrs. Lilia can answer them."

"Something tells me she might not be able to." I answer, sighing in defeat. "So much is happening so fast.."

"I know what you mean.." Sayori shows me a weak smile, clearly tired. I wonder what time it is?

"Hey, do you know what time it is?" I ask, looking around for a clock.

"Nope. Why?" Sayori titled her head, a habit she did when she was confused. Like a small puppy.. Why do I find that cute?

"We might need to meet at the cafeteria now, remember?"

Her face is blank before she widens her eyes and sits up. "Ohh! Yeah! I nearly forgot!" She then jumps up to a stand, making me stand up with her. "Let's go get the others!"

We meet up with Natsuki, who is still looking at some papers on a desk.

"Hey Nat!" Sayori exclaims, resting both hands on the smaller girls shoulder while using her nickname.

Natsuki jumped in surprise and spun around to face us. "Sayori! Geez, you scared me. And what have I told you about using that nickname!"

"Aww.." Sayori whined. "But it's cute! Like you!"

"Ow!" The red bowed girl yelps as Natsuki punches her in the arm, her face portraying annoyance.

"Shut up!" She growled.

"A-Anyways..!" I quickly attempt to break the small fight. "What were you doing?" I ask.

Natsuki seems to have calmed down and shrugs. "Found some sheets paper. The writhing and format makes it look like a bunch of stories or notes, but the written language is like a secret code." She explains, holding up one of the many wrinkled papers.

The writhing looked like a bunch of strange symbols, some numbers and letter mixed into one.

She placed it back on the desk with a sigh. "Whatever. Anyway, what did you guys need?"

"We were thinking of heading out now." I explain. I have to pause my reasoning as for a split second, Natsuki's face frowned in disappointment. "We don't want to be late for the meeting in the cafeteria."

The pinkette crosses her arms and huffs, "Fine. Whatever. Let's go get Yuri."

"I'm here." Yuri's voice speaks up from behind me, nearly making me jump. "We're leaving?"

"Yeah." I turned to face her and nodded. "On the way out, we can ask Mrs. Lilia about this."

The four of us begin walking out of the room, the door was still left open. As we walked out, the lights in the room quickly flickered off, giving me slight chills.

I close the door quickly while Sayori makes her way to the pulled out book, soon pushing it back to stand straight up, and closing the bookshelf's so they stand beside each other and hide the door.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Natsuki asked. "Telling Mrs. Lilia?"

Sayori bounces up next to me, matching my pace. "I don't see why not, she's really nice!"

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