32. "This isn't your hotelroom."

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"Hey, Daddy? Are we expecting more visitors? Because there's someone in the back," Michelle said from the kitchen walking and opened the front door curiously. Suddenly her face lit up. "Conner!" she cried enthusiastically and ran outside.

Jason's gaze flew to Theo in shock.

"I didn't know anything about this."

"I think I can use that drink now," Jason said just before the foursome came within earshot.

"Look who we came across along the way?" said Tina as soon as she stepped in.

Her eyes immediately flew to Jason and squealed with joy. "You're already here," she said breathlessly. "And so much prettier in real life."

"Real eye-candy," the muscular Adonis behind her agreed.

Timothy Corrigan was a beautiful specimen and fell with ease into the category; tall, dark and handsome, but the man who made all other men pale in comparison was right behind him.

Jason swallowed hard. Would his face betray the tumult that tossed inside him? That it took him untold effort to mask his desire? His eyes slipped caressingly over Conner's mouth, which was pulled tight in a disapproving stripe. His desire turned to shame. Blushing, he averted his face.

"And modest," added Timothy, who misinterpreted Jason's action.

"Come and set the table," Tina told Timothy, who took the bags of sushi. "We passed the pizza courier."

Conner was still in the doorway. Jason ignored him, sat down and resumed his sketches.

"Say, are you going to come in?" asked Theo.

"I'm waiting for the pizza courier," was the short answer and he disappeared from view.

All eyes are focused on Jason who pretended not to notice anything.

At the table, the atmosphere wasn't much better. The sushi was undoubtedly delicious, but Jason barely ate of it. Theo asked Conner the question that burned on his lips.

"How did you get be here so unexpectedly?"

Although Theo asked the question, Jason felt how Conner disapprovingly looked at him with steel blue eyes. "Tanja wanted to surprise Jason by coming to the opening. Tonight she's going out with friends," he said flatly.

"Well, I love having you here. To have both of you here," he added with a pat on Jason's hand.

When serving the dessert, Jason seized the opportunity to invite the family for the opening. "If you want, of course," he said modestly. Delighted, Tina clapped her hands and looked at her brother-in-law beaming.

"We wouldn't miss it for the world," Timothy promised.

"Do you have any pieces that you would like to show?" Jason asked the gifted artist across the table.

For a second, the light disappeared from the shimmering brown eyes. "Except for that one piece, everything was sold."

His expression kept Jason from further questions. Under Conner's critical eye, he didn't want to address sensitive subjects.

Upon returning from the bathroom, where he had ordered a taxi, he worked on Michelle's sketch for about ten minutes.

"Here you go," he handed her the portrait with a light kiss on her cheek.

"It's beautiful!" she shouted happily. She proudly showed the sketch to her adoring family. "Jason? Do you want to see my room? Uncle Timothy made all the furniture himself."

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