Police Station

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"Excuse me! Hey!" Roh tightly gripped the bars of her holding cell in the Ren Haru Police Station, pressing her face between the bars and trying to get anyone's attention.

The station was buzzing with Fire Nation soldiers and cops alike. Roh was trying to get the attention of a soldier, hoping maybe one of them would let her talk with a higher-up, and she could show them the green rocks, which had been taken when she was processed, and were locked up in the evidence room.

But it seems even allegedly killing the mayor wasn't enough to garner anyone's attention right now. There was something bigger going on, she just had no idea what.

"I have important evidence!" She shouted. "I need to talk to someone in charge!" But everyone kept walking past.

"Hey kid, shut the hell up!" A man in the next cell shouted back, matching her volume to mock her.

"Quit drawing attention to us." A deeper voice on the other side of her growled.

"But that's exactly what I need to do! I need their attention! Hey!" Roh shook the bars and called out for a soldier again as one walked past.

He ignored her as well, and once he was gone, a large hairy arm reached over and stilled the bars she was shaking. "Listen to me, kid. If you know what's good for you, you'll shut up. Right. Now."

Roh stepped back away from the bars. It almost sounded like a challenge to a fight, which she would gladly accept given how energized she was right now. But none of the other prisoners were cheering them on. It was way too quiet... Why was everyone quiet?

A second later, all the lights blew out.

The silence was split sharply by a blaring siren, and She heard shouts from down the hallway, heading towards the cells, but they never reached them.

Roh caught a flash of a black figure running past, and a few moments later the sound of the metal bars sliding open at the end of the hall. Two more figures wearing all black worked their way down the hallway as well, releasing all the prisoners.


The prisoners joined the group, evacuating the cells without a single sound.

But nobody came for her cell. "Hey! What about--" She whispered loudly, and pulled on the bars before realizing they were already open. Someone had unlocked her door so quickly she didn't even see them.

She followed suit, keeping quiet and making a sharp right out of the holding cell area, although admittedly she wasn't as slick as the other guys, and was disoriented in the dark, running into several different walls. The hallways were deserted.

But while the rest of them ran out the nearest exit, Roh found the stairs down to the basement, where she knew the evidence lockup was.

The basement was just as quiet as upstairs, save of course for the blaring sirens, but it wasn't quite as deserted. She shot a quick fireblast across the ceiling to see where she was going. Bodies of soldiers and cops alike littered the hallway, most of them unconscious but a few were laying in questionably large puddles of blood.

The evidence lockup was open, and blinded by adrenaline Roh didn't really look around before walking in. She shot another blast across the ceiling. The shelves were organized by how recently they were processed, and sure enough, a familiar drawstring pouch sat among a few weapons on the first shelf behind the reception window.

As soon as her hand closed around it, a tall figure moved into her peripherals. She instinctively threw a hand up and caught the man's club before he could bring it down on her.

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