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Marilyn, Houston, TX, 2016

I pulled out my iPhone 6s, checking it for the sixth time for a text back. My anger started to build up, yes I have anger issues, and I decided to send my own text. Swear it seems like I'm having a conversation with myself sometimes.

to bighead💘: uk what , I don't even need you to text back , bitch ass niqqa 😑 , you single now , that's why yo dick little 🖕 , you can come by tomorrow and get your shit. dirty ass bitch. 😂🖕
delivered - 1:24 p.m

Oh, I didn't introduce myself. Anyways, I'm Marilyn Carter, I'm 24, I'm from Trinidad but grew up in New York. I have one little brother, who's 15. I have no kids, at all. I'm 5'2, I have a big ass booty, yes it's real.. I have deep dimples, long black hair, andddd that's it.

my phone buzzed, making me quickly stop what I was doing at the computer and unlock my phone.

from littledickbitch🙄🖕: said I was sry for cheatin' ma, luv you too. 😘❤
delivered- 1:59p.m

I rolled my eyes and decided to not even reply. Bum ass nigga.

A knock at my office door brought me out of my thoughts.

"Its open!" I spoke loudly.

The door opened and in walked my boss, Jennifer Jones. I swear I cannot stand that bitch at all. Everything about her just irks my soul.

"Well hello there Detective. How's your day going today? I missed you at the meeting." She smiled.

I closed my eyes and rolled them, fucking bitch. (anybody else close their eyes then roll them?)

"Um yea, I know. You held the meeting during my lunch time, and I wasn't missing that for nobody. But wassup?" I asked folding my hands under my chin.

She took a seat on the other side of my desk, pulling out a folder I hadn't notice she had until just now. She opened it.

"What's this?" I asked, now curious.

She smirked, "A case. How would you like to go undercover, Ms.Carter?" She smiled wickedly. It was weird as shit, but I ignored it.

"Um, depends,"

"Okay, I'll take that as a yes. Here's the case. Have fun." She left the folder on my desk and hurriedly exited out my office before I could protest.

I shook my head , closing the file and sticking it in my purse. I'd read that later. I pulled my phone back out, to shoot Jayceon a text.

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