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Damon was desperately rooting through his closet. "It has to be in here somewhere!"

His hands were quickly sliding the clothing hangers along the closet rack, examining each shirt, but none seemed to be the one he was looking for. Until, in the very back, he found it; a comfortable black sweater. He took no hesitation in practically tugging it off the hanger and putting it on.

"I don't see what the big deal is." Jamie commented from his spot on Damon's bed, shaking his head. "Aren't you just going out to muck around with that Graham fellow?"

Damon furrowed his eyebrows as he smoothed out his sweater with his hand. "As a matter of fact, I am," he placed his hands on his hips. "but I'm not going out looking like a scruff."

Jamie only laughed. "You act like you're going on a date."

For some reason, when he said that, Damon felt his stomach sink as if he were on a roller coaster, immediately descending into a pit of butterflies inside of him. He did his best to hide the blush appearing on his face. "I'm just making a good impression, that's all!"

A grin stayed on Jamie's face as he spoke again. "At least you won't be out 'til fucking midnight this time."

"Hey, if we get into something, you never know."

"Oh, come off it!"

Now it was Damon's turn to laugh, until he was interrupted by a sudden knock on the door. Immediately, his head darted over to where the sound had come from, his eyes lighting up. "That's got to be him!"

"I'll get it." Jamie stood up nonchalantly and headed out into the hall.

While Jamie was getting the door, Damon stayed occupied with getting himself ready. As he was putting on his shoes, he heard the door open up.

"Is Damon here?"

His eyes lit up like stars. It had to be Graham! He heard Jamie say something back, but he wasn't paying any attention to that. All he could focus on was the day ahead of him now.

Suddenly, he heard the door close, Jamie's footsteps retreating back into the hall and into their room.

"I hope you told him I'd be out in a second!" Damon raised an eyebrow, disapproving of how he had just shut the door in his face.

"Don't worry, it wasn't him."

His frowned a little in disappointment, but the feeling was replaced with immediate curiosity. "Then who was it?"

Jamie looked away. "A bloke from the press."

Damon could feel his heart fall straight into his feet as a sudden wave of chill washed over him. His eyes were wide like saucers; he felt petrified.

They'd came so close to finding him.

"H-how did-?" He could barely get out his sentence.

Jamie shook his head. "Somehow it must've gotten out. They may have seen you the other day while you were out."

This was a lot for Damon to process at once. They knew he was in town. They didn't know specifically where, thanks to Jamie's somewhat convincing acting, but they knew.

He shook his head. "That's it, I have to text him and say I can't go."

Jamie looked shocked. "Now why would you do that!"

"If they know I'm here they'll be looking for me!" His voice was raising.

"Damon, if you keep trying to hide from everything you're going to be hiding forever." Jamie placed a hand on the distraught boy's shoulder. "Besides, they may not even recognize you! You look a bit different since they last saw you in the papers, anyways." He raised his hand to ruffle it through Damon's hair. "Your hair's longer."

really could happen 💛 | blur + gramonDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora