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Seokjin screamed frustrated. Taehyung who is his co-worker was making his day miserable again. Sure thing they hated each other and that won't change until eternity stops.

He was at a restaurant for his lunch when suddenly a juice spilled on top of his head and staining his neat shirt. He looked to see who it was and it was Taehyung.

"What? You always say you're face is as pretty as the flowers and that you're God's gift to women and men. Flowers needs to be watered daily to keep them nourished right? I'm just doing my job, pretty boy. "

He stood up and about to give him a punch when a kid appeared and tugged their shirts.

"Appa!? Daddy!?"

They both looked at her with weird faces.

"We are not your parents." Seokjin said.

"Yes. He's right."

They agreed. Which is a very rare thing to happen.

"No, you're my parents. You ..." The young girl pointed at Taehyung "... You gave birth to us and him ..." She ponted to Seokjin "He's our Appa."

They shook their heads and laughed.

"What's your name, kid. Let's get you home."

"I'm Jintae and I have a twin, his name is Taejin." She grabbed her phone, and extraordinary phone because it looks like so well advanced. It looked like those you see in the movies where everything is transparent and overall awesome.

"Here's our picture. Family picture."

They both had wide eyes when they saw themselves kiss while two kids were giggling in the photo.

"Ewww! Disgusting!" Taehyung exclaimed.

Then another kid appeared. Maybe it was Taejin.

"We are here because you took too long to create your lovestory that the future you's didn't enjoyed their time fully. They want us to get you two together as soon as possible and start your lovestory. Don't worry we're grown-ups we just got stuck in this body."

He walked closer. Taehyung and Jim still can't believe what they hear.

"You were 47 when you got married and we were born when you were 48. Yoi called us miracle babies because you didn't thought we'd still be possible to be born because of your old age. Alpa Jin died at 70 and Appa Taehyung followed days after. We were 22 that time. And because technology had been so advanced and we were genuises, we created a time machine and this is our first mission. To get you to your happy ending as early as possible."

Taehyung wanted to faint but he held himself. He won't faint if Seokjin would catch him. He just want to die instead. And now this kids tell them they got married, was hard to believe. That would be the end of the world before that happens.

"So, Taehyung ..." Jin faced him with a cheeky grin, "I think you should confess your undying love to me now."

His face reddened and he threw anither glass of juice to his face.

"Fuck you!"

He stormed off of the restaurant leaving the three behind.

"So, Appa Jin, can you take us home now?"

Seokjin almost choked his saliva at their words, he didn't sign up to be a Dad!

TIME LAPSE || TAEJIN ,✔️✔️Where stories live. Discover now