Twenty three

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I sighed as I fished the sinking man out of the lake. Maybe I was a bit too harsh?

I threw the bigger man over my shoulder--don't underestimate my strenght because of my petite build--and walked towards dried land. Lying down Kakashi on the dry grass and removed most of his wet clothing, leaving him in just his boxer shorts and mask. I've always prided myself for keeping my cool and composure around naked men no matter how well sculpted their bodies are.

And Kakashi's body is so beautiful it's like the gods themselves sculpted him. I know perfection when I see one, and ninja training has the habit sculpting bodies to perfection.

I lied down next to him, letting out the biggest sigh I could muster. Deep down, I know I am taking my anger about my marriege and Katsumi's scheme on Kakashi, who I'm supposed to be helping. I do feel guilty, but it still feels nice letting it out.

Though not in the best way that was for sure. To top things off, Itachi was going to die by Sasuke's hands. It pained me but that was Itachi's last wish, and I won't live with myself knowing I denied him anything.

Pulling my knees to my chest I looked out to the lake. I'm stressed and lonely, but the loneliness isn't knew. I've been alone for most of my life, I should be used to it by now---no. No wait I'm not lonely.

I have Baa-chan, Ero-sennin, Shizune, all my friends. But no, even in the village I'm still lonely. I glanced at the knocked out man beside me and rolled my eyes. "I know you're faking your chakra control stupid old man. Masochist is what Jiraiya would call you, it's not fair. I'm the one always giving up my happiness for thr sake of others and not once do they do the same"

But then I realized I made a mistake.

"Maybe Hinata, but she's just that. Kind, but strong. Shikamaru's too lazy to do anything and just leaves things be to be sorted by themselves. You and the team though, abandoned me when I needed you the most. Sasuke and Sakura stuck around, but they left me in the end. So much pain I hid from you all, just to see you happy and smiling, the team....the team that was meant to support me and care for me. They were nowhere when I burdened myself to the point I accepted it and felt nothing"

I gripped onto my arms tightly, as my heart reconstricted. But I'm not allowing myself to shed a tear for this man. I've shed enough tears because of him already and I'm tired. Both mentaly, and physicaly.

"If Sasuke realy does love me. He never would have abandoned me in the first place. Like everyone did" I spat out.

"I feel so stupid. Forgiving you all, time and time again, hoping you would change. When I left the village a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders and I felt so" I smiled a bittersweet smile that graced my features.

"I felt so free" I released a long and contented sigh. I imagined myself far away, away from Konoha, away from this country and resting in a foreign country enjoying myself and playing with animals. Animals always loved me so I was never afraid of them no matter how dangerous the looked. Well except for snakes, I never liked snakes.

"Did you know Kakashi, as soon as I left the village for my training, I felt so happy and at peace with myself? Probably not. You probably didn't even thought about how I was or, if I was eating properly. You were with Katsumi at the time remember? And she had your every undivided attention" I kept my eyes glued to his masked face. I didn't see any signs of him being awake.

"I came back home, with all the intentions and taking control of my life but then you had to turn into a drunk and now I'm being pushed into a marriege. If Itachi knew, if he knew...he would have taken me I'm sure of it, regardless of my heat"

I ranted to the unconcious Hatake. It felt so good, so uplifting to let it out, even if my listener wasn't actualy listening.

I closed my eyes, listening to the even breaths of my companion, my thoughts then wandered to my protector.

I hope you are okay, Itachi.

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