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Kakashi found her at team seven's training ground hours later, sitting crossed leg on the ground.

"Naruko" he began and wasn't surprised when she ignored him. She seemed to be focused on the little ants trotting in a straight line infront of her carrying small crumbs of food on their backs.

"I'm sorry!" he yelled desperately, dropping to the ground on one knee.

The pigtailed blond looked up at him. "Sorry for what?"

"F-for not being there for your return, I promised you I'd be there didn't I?" Kakashi replied sounding exhusted. Naru stood up and slowly walked towards him, looking down at him with her big blue eyes still shining dissapointment. "I'm not mad at you about that. Quite frankly, I wouldn't had minded. You would have been late either way"

Dropping down on both knees she placed a finger to his chin, tilting his head up to look at him.

"I'm mad at you for letting yourself stoop this low because of that woman. You let yourself go, you drank the pain away and it could have damaged your liver and if I hadn't returned today and sought you out, they would have found a dead body of a copy-cat ninja today" Naru narrowed her eyes at him, before softening once more.

"You pushed everyone away, when all they tried to do was help. You've been neglecting your ANBU duties and gave baa-chan quite the headache. You failed everyone, but worse of all you failed yourself"

Her words cut deep, she knew this. Hurting him even more isn't her intention but if it means it will snap him back to earth where she is  then so be it.

Standing up she began to walk away from him, only for a hand to latch onto her wrist stopping her. "You're right Naruko. And I'm so deeply sorry"

"Three months"


"Three months Kakashi-san. I give you three months to pull yourself back together. The first two months will be spent living with me so I can keep an eye on you and keep you away from every kind of alcohol there is. The third month you can do whatever you want to prove yourself. If you fail these three months then I'll have to agree with baachan's terms of having you retire as a jounin. Which would be ashame, your skills are impressive and exactly what Konoha needs but if you continue this way you'll be useless to konoha and be a liability to the team and on missions you'll be worthless for us" Her voice was dead serious and cold.

Kakashi gripped on her wrist so tight it began to hurt her. He pulled her to his chest and encircled his arms around her waist.

"Why are you doing this to me? Your own sensei?" he whispered to her ear.

"You lost the right to be called my sensei when you chose her over me, Sakura and Sasuke. We only wished to protect you but you never listened and instead opted to lash out on us. Mostly on me" she responded causing him to stiffen.

"Then why are you helping me get better again? Wouldn't it be better to abandon me instead?"

"Everyone deserves second chances right?" she untangled his arms from her and stood back. "Meet me in my apartment in an hour. If you're late then you can forget about the chance I am giving you" without another word she turned her back on him and left.

When she was gone Kakashi punched the ground causing the small crater to form.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" he kept repeating, while repeatedly punching the grounding causing the small crater to grow.

Realizing he was wasting time he went back to his apartment and began to pack.

One day. She had done this all in just one day. He needs to pull himself together and not squander this chance she is giving him. In less then fiftheen minutes he had a duffel bag on his back and ready to see Naruko.

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