Chapter 2 Part 2

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"No! Please don't! Leave me alone!" The pain digs into my body. I roll over onto my back and clutch my stomach, the pain is excruciating, and it’s too much. I let out a blood-curdling scream as another blow rocked my body, hurling me forward. 

“Kim!” I hear a voice through my screaming. “Kim! Wake up!”

I feel a shove against my shoulder and my eyes snap open. Zoe is leaning over me, her face full of worry.

"Go back to bed, Zoe, I'm fine," I pant, trying to catch my breath.

“Kim you –"

“I’m fine,” I say a little louder. Zoe sits there in silence, retracting her hand from my shoulder. I am sick of my memories, and I am sick of my memories waking Zoe up every night.

"I know you will fight through this, you're stronger than you think." She gives a small smile before disappearing into the darkness.

As usual, I end up watching the sunrise once again. I am then up and ready for a day of shopping in order for Zoe and I to find dresses for the event tonight.

"Kim, you have a visitor." Zoe pops her head into my room.

Walking towards the living room, I realise who it is straight away. He’s wearing his usual suit however, this one looks a deep navy from the back. He then lifts his hand and runs it through his hair as he peers out the window. I freaking wonder what is he doing in my freaking flat. And how did he freaking know my address?

I give a loud cough to let him know I am in the room. 

"Miss Turner,” he says as he spins around and eyes me with a smile. I don’t return it, how can I? I most probably like I just rise from my grave. 

"How do you know where I live?" I immediately ask, sounding cranky. 

 He gives a smirk. “If I want something, I get it." I remember that, that's something he lives by and I don't care about it. 

"That doesn't answer my question, Mr Webb." I say impatiently. 

I raise my eyebrow at him. Surely no one’s that up themselves?

"From your office," he says and my eyebrows snap together. Must be Rob, no doubt about it. 

"What do you want?" I ask as if he’s boring me. I cross my arms and purse my lips. He eyes me carefully, but I don’t budge.

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