Chapter 1 Part 1

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Waking up in a cold sweats from the same nightmare I've had for the past few months now, I look over at my alarm clock. The bright red numbers staring back at me; 3:40 am. Taking deep breaths I attempt to calm down before strolling into the kitchen for a drink.

Like every morning at this time, I find Zoe sitting on the sofa. We've been best friends since middle school. Her beautiful brown hair and slim figure have always brought her good fortune but no matter how perfect her life is, while mine catapulted to disarray, she is always there for me.

When we enrolled into University we decided to share an apartment. A beautiful, spacious apartment; with a big brown leather sofa, a glass table in the centre and a multicoloured rug underneath. One bathroom and two bedrooms. It really is the perfect home.

I plant myself next to Zoe on the sofa, giving a focused smile as Zoe asks in a low voice, "Same nightmare?"

Of course she already knows, she's been there since I started having these dreadful dreams. But no, it isn't just a dream per se, it is more like a memory being replayed inside my head when all my defenses are down.

I nod, as no words seem to come out.

"I made some tea." She points to the kettle and two teacups on the table. I am so lucky to have Zoe in my life, especially at this time when I need her the most.

"Thanks." I smile with gratitude as she hands me a full cup, the warmth of the tea calming me.

"Zoe, will it ever stop?" I ask her after I am sure my nerves are already calm. Those dreams never fail to rattle me and I hate it just as much as I hate what caused them.

"Kim," Zoe turns to me, "What you went through? It's going to take time before you feel okay, before you feel normal. It's just been a few months, cut yourself some slack." Zoe gives me a comforting smile.

"Are you going to Dr. Smith's tomorrow?" She asks again after I nod because I don't have anything to assure her I believe her.

"Yeah, then I'm going to the interview." I say looking over at her.

I have a temporary job at the local paper, though I am hoping that this interview will help me get a full time job from that firm.

Zoe and I stayed for a little longer as she accompanied me on the couch but then she's tired as she just got off from her night duty at the hospital so she eventually goes to bed.

When I eventually found the courage to head back to my still warm bed, I ended up tossing and turning all night, just like every other night the last few months.

Tomorrow is my first big interview for the paper with the CEO of Webb Enterprises. Looking back, I have always known that I wanted to pursue a career as a journalist since it all started in high school when I became a volunteer at the local paper. Then, when I started university, I did a year-internship and I am hoping that once I finish University I will get a full-time job there. I've worked so hard for this that I feel like I might just be offered a permanent position.

It took me ages to obtain this interview for tomorrow; months of phoning, emailing, then phoning again. Eventually, they agreed to meet me. The CEO turns out to be a Nicolas Webb, a 29 year old who owns a lot of Chicago - ranging from nightclubs to restaurants to gyms and then the properties and commercial enterprises across Europe. According to Wikipedia, and yes, of course I do my research, Nicolas took over the business when his grandfather retired. He's also never had a long-term girlfriend, but apparently every girl falls at his feet. What a schmuck, I thought to myself. It wasn't difficult to discover background information on him. His name is in the newspaper every day, mainly about which model he's currently dating and his charity involvement.

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