Chapter One

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A/N Just so you know Edward and Alice are married in this. I couldn't be bothered to make OCs for them, and I always thought they'd work.

The Cullens were speeding around the house getting packed up preparing to leave Forks behind. When they had everything they congregated in the living room for one last time.

"I can't believe that little human bitch is forcing us to leave, again." Rosalie said with a huff as she looked around their most recent home. Emmett put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her flush to his side.

"I'm sorry." Edward says looking down as Alice hangs off his arm.

"It's not your fault son, we all know that." Carlisle placates him. Rosalie puts her hand on Edwards shoulder conveying that even she can't blame him for the human's infatuation. Jasper enters the room having finished up the legalities of changing their ages once more.

"Where are we going this time?" He questions looking over the perfect couples with a slight clench in his chest. Alice turns to look at him before her eyes glaze over and she examines the family's future. Suddenly a grin erupts on her face.

"Texas, a place called Willow Creek." She exclaims with a glint of mischief in her eye, Edward gives her a look the second she starts singing in an attempt to keep her thoughts hidden from him.

"Really? Don't we want to go somewhere we can be normal." Rose asks with a pout.

"Don't worry, the whole town is hidden from the sun by the forest, no matter how sunny we can go outside." Alice soothes the families concerns. With that, the Cullens say goodbye to Forks and each get in their respective cars, Jasper climbing into Edwards Volvo as his bike was not practical for the long trip.

Edward and Rosalie spent the entire trip racing each other much to the exasperation of their respective passengers. As they approached their new home Alice got increasingly excited, bouncing slightly in her seat. When they got into town each vampire saw why Alice was so certain it would be perfect, not a shred of sunlight was able to get through the branches overhead.

"Eddie, turn left here and pull up." Alice directed that mischievous glint back in her eyes. He did as his wife directed and the rest of the family followed behind. As they all congregated Alice was practically vibrating.

"I was able to find us I nice home about a mile outside of town, it shouldn't take too long for us to do it up, the estate agent is going to meet us there in about thirty minutes." Esme informed her children.

"That's perfect, we have something to do first anyway." Alice says clapping her hands, much to the confusion of the rest, but at this point they were used to her and decided it was really safer to follow her whims than face the pixies wrath. With that she led the family slightly further down the road until they came across a dance studio with a glass window, here they came to a stop drawn by the woman inside. She was far more beautiful than any other human they had come across ever Rose had to admit she could rival herself with her delicate caramel skin, smooth curves, soft rounded lips, large dreamy purple eyes and untamed black curls framing the whole thing. The vampires were left dumbstruck as the beautiful girl moved gracefully around the studio following the music.

All too soon it was cut off by the sound of a ringing phone. The Cullens felt as though they were being shaken from a dazed state as they watched the girl practically fly across the room switching off the music and answering the phone. Before the girl even had a chance to answer the person on the other end was speaking.

"Where are you? You are two minutes late! This kind of behaviour will not be tolerated! Do I need to punish you again? I will not have this kind of insubordination from my property." The voice screeched and the vampires listening were sure they would have been able to hear even if they had been human. Not one of them was ok with what was being said this stranger was being called property and that was not acceptable in their books. Emmett was about to burst through the door to grab the phone before Carlisle put his hand on his shoulder and shook his head indicating that they were strangers and the move would not be appreciated, not to mention the fact that their whole existence was to exist in the shadows not get involved with human affairs.

As this was happening outside the girl had packed up her items and was on her way to the door, as she exited and walked by the Cullens never looking up from where she was still trying to get her bag closed, her foot caught on a crack on the sidewalk and she was sent tumbling to the ground, or at least that's what she thought, before she hit the floor she felt two strong arms wrap around her waist and catch her from her fall. She looked up where her eyes were met by a beautiful pair of golden eyes staring into her own, she examined his face and saw inhuman beauty framed by honey-blond hair that she got the strange desire to run her fingers through. For Jasper it was like time had stopped he had never felt so complete, it was as though he had always had a hole in his chest but only noticed now he could feel that it had been filled. He would have happily stayed holding this mysterious girl for the rest of eternity, he breathed deeply she smelt like the desert after the rain and he just wanted to bury his head in her wild curls, no desire for blood overcame him. All too soon he was broken from his revere.

"Erm, thanks for the catch but do you think maybe you could let go." The girl questioned feeling awkward. Jasper immediately came back to his senses and placed her back into a standing position examining the blood that filled her cheeks, still for the first time ever with no desire to drink.

"Sorry ma'am," He said sheepishly. The girl just gave a shy smile, internally melting at the sound of his voice.

"Hi I'm Alice Cullen, this is my family, we just moved here." Alice squeals bouncing forward with the biggest shit-eating grin on her face, it was even better than what she'd seen in her vision.

"Yalena, but everyone calls me Yala." The girl greets them with a breathtaking smile showing small dimples.

"Well Yala, I hope we'll be good friends, maybe you could show us around?" Rosalie asks with a friendly smile while the rest of the Cullens look at her incredulously. she had seen the moment between this human and Jasper and how Jasper still had not taken his eyes off of her with a dopey lovestruck grin adorning his face. Even she with her hatred for humans could not begrudge this of Jasper he was for all intense and purposes her twin and had been through too much to not get his happiness.

"Oh, I'd love to, but I'm crazy late for work, I have to go or I'll be in even more trouble. I hope we can hang out though. I work at Loretta's Diner, it's where everyone hangs out so if you ever want to come down, you'll meet almost everyone from school." She starts to leave. "It was nice meeting you." She calls over her shoulder before dashing down the street. The Cullens are left in silence for a few seconds before Alice squeals and leaps onto Jasper breaking the family out of their respective thoughts.

"We found your mate!" She exclaims with a grin. "Oh, she was even prettier in person, I can't wait until she's part of the family." She continues to jabber while the rest of the family stare at Jasper who was still looking at the spot where the girl had disappeared from. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2020 ⏰

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