Meet Yalena

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First Name: Yalena

Last Name: Sinclair (Adopted), Yardeen (Original)

Nickname: Yala (Most People)

Darlin' (Jasper Hale)

Little Sis (Emmett Cullen and Edward Cullen)

Genie of the Lamp

Gender: Female

Age: 1173 (Stopped aging at 16)

Species: Djinn (Genie)


Eye Colour: Deep Purple

Hair Colour: Black

Hair Style: Long tight curls.

Skin Tone: Caramel

Body Type: Thin with curves women would kill for

Height: 5' Foot


Family: Father – Rishyasringa Yardeen (Deceased)

Mother – Narmada Yardeen (Deceased)

Older Sister – Maya Yardeen (Deceased)

Adopted Mother/Current Master – Loretta Sinclair

Adopted Sister – Jo Sinclair

Personality: Very bubbly and friendly, desires to help everyone she comes across. Despite being trapped and controlled for over a thousand years she is fairly naive and trusts everyone she meets until given a reason not to.

Fears: Claustrophobia, Ironic considering her living conditions.

Special Powers/Abilities: The Power of the Wish


Master in Hand to Hand Combat

Master in all Weaponry

Accelerated Healing

Enhanced Speed

Enhanced Strength

Enhanced Intelligence

Genies can wield phenomenal power, such as shapeshifting, manipulation of weather and bending reality on certain levels. A genie must follow certain rules, for example, genies cannot stray far from their lamps. They also cannot kill or grant a wish to kill. Genies are also unable to tamper with free will or necromancy.

Weapons: Two Ornate Kirpans. (A small dagger used primarily for hand to hand combat. This dagger is made of steel, gold, jade, and diamond.)

Scent: Wet sage combined with thunder & lightning and pouring rain. Sweet, dusty and earthy, like a desert during a rainstorm.

Life Story: Born in Samarqand in the year 847 Yala was training to become a Zoroastrian priestess at the local fire temples. She and her sister Maya were considered the most beautiful girls of the era. Maya had been promised in marriage to an Arab royal but fell in love with a young man who worked a stall at the market, Yala helped her sister escape with her love. Their mother, a powerful witch, furious with their betrayal attacked Yala and tied her up in her beloved fire temple and cursed her to the life of a Genie trapped in a bottle, the fire temple was razed by the Arabs and a mosque was built burying Yala and her lamp in the rubble. A few hundred years later the lamp was found and Yala now forced to serve was handed from master to master, country to country for a thousand years until falling into the hands of Loretta Sinclair. Loretta was more intelligent than her predecessors and kept Yala secret instead saying she was an adopted child. Yala now lives in Willow Creek, Texas, where she works in Loretta's diner and is able to attend school, while never having had a master that was actually kind to her, and Loretta is no exception, she considers this the best arrangement she's ever had because when not needed she is able to have a small taste of freedom even if she is still unable to go too far away from her lamp and master.

Pairing: Jasper Hale

Face Claim: Chandler Kinney

Face Claim: Chandler Kinney

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Genie Look:

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Genie Look:

Genie Look:

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A/N I know, I know, I should be working on the vampires angel but I've been thinking of this and was wondering if people liked the idea, if you have any ideas or inputs please let me know.

Also I've tried doing some research but ultimately I know nothing about what was happening over a thousand years ago so the history is a bit off but it's based on fact so if you're really knowledgeable about that era feel free to correct me. 

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