Chapter Nine

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"How was your first day of school," Ethan asks after I shut his car door. 

I groan, resting my head against the seat. Today was horrible. Dejah and Mina were too annoying with their relentless bickering. I know something happened in the past between them and I want to know exactly what it was. 

"Fine, I guess. I'd rather be home-schooled though. Less drama."

"No drama," he laughs, his eyes shutting for a second.

"What the heck, Ethan? Keep your eyes open. You may not die in a car crash, but I will. And you know, Ryder would kill you if you'd killed his mate," I laugh.

Ethan stops the car so fast that if I didn't have a seat belt on, I would have went flying through the window.

"You're his mate? You're my Queen," he asks, shocked. I felt offended by his second question. Is that such a bad thing to have a human as a Queen? Or does he think that I just don't deserve the title?  Well, I don't even want the stupid title! I don't want to be freaking Queen of the world. I want a normal or whatever comes closest to normal when werewolves rule, life. I only had to lose a bracelet and now this is my life. 

"You are," Ethan confirms through my silence. He looks disappointed, and that just fuels my annoyance and anger. So he really is sad and believes that I will be a horrible Luna and Queen. 

"So what if I am? You think I'll be a horrible Luna just because I'm human, don't you? God, this is why I hate werewolves! They just-"

"No, that's not what I was saying. I like...nothing, Whatever. It doesn't matter."

He starts the car again, and I start to think about the few things he said. Was he about to say that he likes me? Could he like me? Could I like him? 

I turn to face him. He was all I wanted in a guy. He had the blond hair and the most beautiful pair of blue eyes. He was nice to me, and he was a werewolf that didn't discriminate against humans. Well, not a lot at least. I guess that's what I like the most about him. He doesn't think of humans as incredibly lower beings. Truth be told, if he was my mate, I'd probably accept him. I wouldn't mind being his mate, but of course their Moon Goddess paired me with that arrogant prick of a King. I often found myself wondering what I ever did to deserve this injustice. 

The rest of the ride is spent in uncomfortable silence. I was practically counting the seconds until we got home. I had to do tons of homework and Derik told me to call him later. I found this also producing fluttering butterflies in my stomach. Although he was indeed attractive, I didn't think of him like that way. Just as a friend. An attractive friend at that. 

Ethan holds the door open for me, being a perfect gentleman. I thank him as I walk by, blushing when I feel his eyes on me. 

"Skylar, I have to talk to you," Ryder says when I walk by him. I kept on walking, and he growled, catching me by my wrist. I yank it out of his hold, glaring at him. I didn't like the way the sparks made me see him in a completely different way. It made me love him, but I don't want an assigned love. It wasn't fair to me, or anyone really. I wanted to find love my way, whether it was by a dating website, or by simply bumping into someone. The Moon Goddess has a twisted mind, and I'm glad I'm not a werewolf. 

"What," I snap. Was there a point in him stopping me if he would just stand there like an idiot. I really wanted to do my homework and then go to sleep. 

"Nothing, just respond next time I talk to you," he tells me. 

I scoff. "It's because I'm human, isn't it?" 

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