Chapter Fourteen

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“Mom,” I say cautiously as she takes a heavy seat on the couch. She had the regular blue bags under her eyes and her usual dark brown eyes were dull. She still had on her work uniform, blue loose pants with a white top. She worked at the hospital with Mrs. Rebecca.

“Yeah, Cairo,” she says, sounding relieved.

“Do you miss Mrs. Rebecca?”

“Of course I do. She's my best friend. Why'd you ask?”

“Well, you never talk about her.” I'd just made the assumption that she didn't care for Mrs. Rebecca after...that night. It all could have turned out so different if Skylar hadn't...

“Cairo, are you listening?” 

“No, sorry Mom,” I apologize, smiling a little.

“I was saying that I didn't want to talk about them so early. Its only been a couple of weeks, and you looked so tired and traumatized. So, I just never mentioned it,” she says, sighing at the end.

“You are such a good Mom,” I tell her, tears brinking in my eyes. Even in a time where she's working so much, she's thinking about me. I admire her for being so considerate, but I really want her to think about her.

“I try to be,” she says, her voice thick. I smile gratefully, happy to have a Mom like her.


“You know it's like, eleven, right?” Ethan reassures as he steps on the gas. He was biting his lip and I refrained from touching his hair, which was swept across his forehead again.

"Frickityfrackles, I didn't even know,” I groan, resting my head in my hands. Ryder will never even let me out again and sadly, he does have the power to make sure I stay in the mansion.

“Frickyfrackles?” Ethan mocks, laughing.

“It's frick-ity-frackles,” I say slowly, making sure he knew how to pronounce it.

“Whatever, why do you say that? Why don't you just say fu-”

“Shut up!” I scream, laughing hard. I never liked cursing, I thought those words were just too vulgar for anyone to say. It also teaches kids to use that horrible language, which is highly inappropriate.

“I was going to say fudge,” Ethan chuckles as he turns the car off and opens the door for me.

“You are such a gentleman,” I tease as I step out.

“I'm a werewolf gentleman,” he corrects, and inserts the key inside the door.

“Ah, well, goodnight, Ethan. I have homework to do and stuff like that,” I say and give him a quick hug.

“‘Night,” he says, trudging up the stairs. I trudge after him and make my way to my old room, where my backpack sat. I honestly didn't want to do homework, but it wasn't that much. It was 11:30, I should be done by 12:00. That is completely not me to stay up that late on a school night, especially up until twelve at night.


I slowly walk upstairs at one in the morning. I fell asleep about three times. My brain was not functioning properly and things I usually found simple, I thought were much more complicated than it actually was.

“You came in at eleven. I thought we agreed on a reasonable time,” Ryder says as soon as I enter the room. It was dark, and I could just outline things. He was sitting up on the bed, his head resting against the headboard of the bed.

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