Part 4

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Day 1 of the Investigaton

7:21 P.M.

Ivory Rose Apartment Complex

Alexander and I are sitting on the floor with all the papers strewn all around us.He came as he promised and we started as soon as possible. After a quick dinner, I had gotten my briefcase out and showed him everything that I have collected over the past year.

"What do we know?" Alexander asked, while running his hand through his short, dark brown hair.

"We know that my father's death was a first degree murder, and that he lied to someone which led to the person to killing him." I answer.

"Yes, maybe you're father cheated his client of his money."

"His company was unfair when it came to their loans."

"I know a guy who might be able to hack into the company's files. He can find what loans were given out if you have a date. When did your father die?"

"October 29th, 2008," I tell him.

"I'll ask him to see if he can get the information to me soon." Alexander starts to talk to someone on the phone, who I assume is 'the hacker'. I sit and wait, but eventually get bored with that,so I check my own phone. I have a voice mail from Aiden, and a couple of texts from Alice, Lisa, and him. I reply to them all. I reassure my friends that I had to study in the library after school so that is why I couldn't join them for dinner, and I told Aiden that I was really tired and that I loved him. He texted me back instantly telling me that he loved me too.

Alexander got off the phone and told me that his friend can help us. The rest of the night we talk about more theories and look up some more evidence. We end for the night and he tells me that we can meet up again tomorrow. Strangely enough, I was actually looking forward to it. Tonight, I had gotten to know him a bit better so now we weren't as much strangers. He told me that he lived in Vermont before he moved back to his home country. I told him about how I lived in New York City. We exchanged information like that.

Day 2 of the Investigation

September 20th, 2014

Public Library at the University of Maryland

8:02 P.M.

We decided to meet at the library because Alexander said that they have books with useful information. I didn't care where we went as long as I was with him...I didn't just say that, did I? I meant that as friends, we are just friends. That is it. We are nothing more and nothing else. I wouldn't blame myself for falling for him. With his hazel eyes, tousled hair, and dazzling smile he could be any girls dream guy, but he is not for me. Aiden is for me, at least I assume he is. Here it is again. Why do I have to doubt Aiden? Why do I have to find a reason to break up with him? We have been together for five years, longer than most high school relationships. You can't compare Alexander to Aiden. They are like day and night. Alexander is daring, and bold. He is adventurous and funny. Aiden is kind and reliable. He's strong, but not like Alexander. He is strong deep down where as Alexander wears his strength on the outside.

"Your daydreaming again." Alexander says.

I look at him and find him smirking."Sorry. We should probably continue."

The whole night was kind of a waste. We really didn't get further than the night before, so we decided that we would wait until tomorrow night to look into it. I agreed because I was tired anyways. We said goodbye and went our separate ways. I started the two minute walk from the library to the parking lot. It was a little chilly out tonight, and I didn't bring a jacket, so I wrapped my arms around myself. I stopped when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I let out a shrill scream.

"Hey. It's just me. There is no need to be scared." I turned around to see Aiden, wearing dark blue jeans, and a white baseball shirt with red sleeves. His hair was messed up from the wind, and he too was trying to find warmth, but he was rubbing his hands together instead.

"God, you scared me!" I said while giving him a hug.

Aiden wrapped his arms around my back, and then said,"Sorry. I didn't mean to. I was just walking over this way when I saw you come out of the library. What were you doing in there at this time?"

"I had to work on a project. Something for criminology," I reply.

"What's this big project you've been working on? All you have been thinking about these past two weeks is criminology!"

"It's nothing," I reply, nonchalantly.

"It's not nothing. You haven't been the same. You're constantly tired, and you're barely getting by in your other classes. Not to mention that I have noticed your weight loss. Does this have to do with me or your friends...Is it your father?" I look up and am overwhelmed by the amount of concern evident in his eyes.

"It's none of your business. I am fine, really. I get it that you are concerned, but you don't need to be breathing down my neck every second. Can't I just have some space?" I try and sound calm, but I sound agitated and frustrated.

He gives me a look that makes my insides turn. " It's none of my business? Seriously, Kinsley, I have every right to know. I am your boyfriend. We have to trust each other and tell each other things. Relationships aren't built on lies. They are built on trust and honesty. I am sorry that you think that I am being too clingy, but did you ever see it from my side. Did you ever think that maybe you're the only thing that matters to me anymore?!"

"That's not true. You have your family."

"Yeah. I have my dead mother, and my father who drinks so much that he doesn't even remember my name. What about my sister who is lost because she doesn't have anyone to be her mother? My family is unstable, Kinsley! You're the only thing in my life that is stable and that I have been sure about, but now you are acting weak and pathetic!"

I don't know how to respond to that, so I just say the first things that come to mind. " At least you have your grandparents, and sister, and you actually have a parent. Mine are dead!! Both of them! My father was killed. My grandparents died before I was born. The only person I had in my life that was family was my dad, but then he died. You have a family. I have nothing! So I am sorry that I am not complete or strong enough for you! Maybe you should just leave me if I'm not enough for you!"

I wipe away the tears that are starting to fall. "Kins, I'm sorry-"

"Just go! Please, just go. I don't want to talk about it now. I don't want to talk to you. Just go now. I need some time to be by myself," I tell him.

"I'm sorry, lets just forgive and forget. We both said stuff that we didn't mean." Aiden is looking for forgiveness, but I am not going to forgive him so easily.

"Aiden, just leave. This is not the end, but I don't want to see you right now so leave before I change my mind." He nods and gives me a kiss on the cheek before walking away.
I head back to my apartment and fall asleep right away.

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